23 (M)

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My hands fist in his hair while my mouth is feverish against his, consuming him, relishing the feel of his tongue against mine and he's the same, devouring me.

It's heavenly.

Suddenly he drags me up and grasps the hem of my T-shirt, whipping it over my head and throwing it on the floor.

"I want to feel you." he says greedily against my mouth.

He pushes me back down onto the bed, pressing me into the mattress and his mouth and hand move to my nipple.

My fingers curl into his hair as he takes one of my nipples between his lips.

I cry out as the sensation sweeps through my body, spikes and tightens all the muscles around my groin.

"Yes baby let me hear you." he murmurs against my overheated skin.

Boy, I want him inside me, now.

With his mouth, he toys with my nipple, pulling at it, making me squirm and writhe and yearn for him.

It's as if he's worshipping me.

He teases me with his fingers, my nipple growing hard and elongating under his skillful touch.

His hand moves to my jeans and he deftly undoes the button, tugs the zipper down and slips his hand inside my panties, sliding his fingers inside me.

His breath hisses out as his finger glides into me.

I push my hip up into the heel of his hand and he responds, rubbing against me.

"Oh, baby." he breathes as he hovers over me, staring intently into my eyes.

"You're so wet." His voice is filled with wonder.

"I want you." I murmur.

His mouth joins with mine again and I feel his hungry desperation, his need for me.

This is new it's never been like this except perhaps when I came back from Georgia and his words from earlier drift back to me...

I need to know we're okay.

This is the only way I know how.

The thought unravels me.

To know that I have such an effect on him, that I can offer him so much solace, doing this - my inner goddess purrs with pure pleasure.

He sits up, grasps the hem of my jeans and tugs them off, followed by my panties.

Keeping his eyes fixed on mine, he stands, takes a foil packet out of his pocket and tosses it at me, then removes his jeans and boxers in one swift motion.

I rip the packet open greedily, and when he lies beside me again, I slowly roll the condom on to him. He grabs both my hands and rolls on to his back.

"You, On top." he orders, pulling me astride him.

"I want to see you."


He guides me and hesitantly I ease myself down onto him.

He closes his eyes and flexes his hips to meet me, filling me, stretching me, his mouth forming a perfect O as he exhales.

Oh, that feels so good - possessing him, possessing me.

He holds my hands and I don't know if it's to steady me or keep me from touching him, even though I have my road map.

"You feel so good," he murmurs.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now