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"Greta, who is Mr Jeon talking to?" My scalp is trying to leave the building.

It's prickling with apprehension, and my subconscious is screaming at me to follow it.

But I sound nonchalant enough.

"Oh, that's Mrs Lincoln."

"She owns the place with Mr Jeon." Greta seems more than happy to share.

"Mrs Lincoln?" I thought Mrs Robinson was divorced.

Perhaps she's remarried to some poor sap.


"She's not usually here but one of our technicians is sick today so she's filling in."

"Do you know Mrs Lincoln's first name?"

Greta looks up at me frowning and purses her bright pink lips,
questioning my curiosity.

Shit perhaps this is a step too far.

"Elena." she says, almost reluctantly.

I'm swamped by a strange sense of relief that my spidey sense has not let me down.

Spidey sense?

They are still deep in discussion.

Jungkook is talking rapidly to Elena and she looks worried, nodding, grimacing and shaking her head.

Reaching out, she rubs his arm soothingly while biting her lip.

Another nod and she glances at me and offers me a small reassuring smile.

I can only stare at her stony-faced. I think I'm in shock.

How could he bring me here?

She murmurs something to Jungkook and he looks my way briefly then turns back to her and replies.

She nods and I think she's wishing him luck but my lip-reading skills aren't highly developed.

Fifty strides back to me, anxiety etched on his face. Damn right.

Mrs. Robinson returns to the back room, closing the door behind her.

Jungkook frowns."Are you okay?" he asks but his voice is strained, cautious.

"Not really."

"You didn't want to introduce me?" My voice sounds cold, hard.

His mouth drops open, he looks as if I've pulled the rug from under his feet.

"But I thought - "

"For a bright man, sometimes..." Words fail me.

"I'd like to go please."


"You know why." I roll my eyes.

He gazes down at me, his eyes burning.

"I'm sorry, baby."

" I didn't know she'd be here."

"She's never here."

"She's opened a new branch at the Bravern Center, and that's where she's normally based."

"Someone was sick today."

I turn on my heel and head for the door.

"We won't need Franco, Greta." He snaps as we head out of the door.

I have to suppress the impulse to run.

I want to run fast and far away.

I have an overwhelming urge to cry, I just need to get away from all this fuckedupness.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now