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"baby, What's wrong?" He scoops me into his lap, running his hands up and down my arms, checking for any signs of injury.

Grabbing my head between his hands, he stares with wide, terrified, doe eyes into mine.

I sag against him, suddenly overwhelmed with relief and fatigue. Oh, Jungkook's arms.

There is no place I'd rather be.

"baby." He shakes me gently.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?"

I shake my head as I realize I need to start communicating.

"Yoongi." I whisper and I sense rather than see Jungkook's swift glance at Taylor, who abruptly disappears into the building.

"Fuck!" Jungkook enfolds me in his arms.

"What did that sleazeball do to you?"

And from somewhere just the right side of crazy, a giggle bubbles in my throat.

I recall Yoongi's utter shock as I grabbed his finger.

"It's what I did to him." I start giggling and I can't stop.

"Jimin!" Jungkook shakes me again and my giggling fit ceases.

"Did he touch you?"

"Only once."

I feel Jungkook's muscles bunch and tense as rage sweeps through him and he stands up swiftly, powerfully - rock steady - with me in his arms. He's furious.


"Where is that fucker?"

From inside the building we hear muffled shouting.

Jungkook sets me on my feet.

"Can you stand?" I nod.

"Don't go in. Don't, Jungkook."

Suddenly my fear is back, fear of what he will do to Yoongi.

"Get in the car." he barks at me.

"Jungkook, no." I grab his arm.

"Get in the goddamned car." He shakes me off.

"No! Please!" I plead with him.


"Don't leave me on my own." I deploy my ultimate weapon.

Seething, he runs his hand through his hair and glares down at me, clearly wracked with indecision.

The shouting inside the building escalates and then stops suddenly.

Oh, no. What has Taylor done?

Jungkook fishes out his Blackberry.

"Jungkook, he has my e-mails."


"My e-mails to you."

"He wanted to know where your e-mails to me were, He was trying to blackmail me."

His look is murderous. Oh shit.

"Fuck!" he splutters and narrows his eyes at me, He punches a number into his Blackberry.

Oh no. I'm in trouble.

Who's he calling?

"Barney. Jeon. I need you to access the SIP main server and wipe all Park Jimin's e-mails to me. Then access the personal data files of Min Yoongi and check they aren't stored there."

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now