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My mind, my heart, my soul are all still in that apartment with my Fifty Shades and the woman who used to be his submissive.

A woman who thinks she still loves him.

A woman who looks like me.

During our third beer, a large cruiser with heavily-tinted windows pulls up next to the Audi in front of the apartment.

I recognize Dr. Flynn as he climbs out, accompanied by a woman dressed in what look like pale blue scrubs.

I glimpse Taylor as he lets them in through the front door.

"Who's that?" Jih asks.

"His name's Dr. Flynn."

"Jungkook knows him."

"What kind of doctor?"

"A shrink."


We both watch, and a few minutes later they are back.

Jungkook is carrying Leila who is wrapped in a blanket. What?

I watch horrified as they all climb into the cruiser and it speeds away.

Jih glances at me sympathetically and I feel desolate, completely desolate.

"Can I have something a bit stronger?" I ask Jih, my voice small.

"Sure what would you like?"

"A brandy Please." Jih nods and retreats to the bar.

I gaze through the window at the front door.

Moments later Taylor emerges, climbs into the Audi and heads off toward Escala after Jungkook?

I don't know.

Jih places a large brandy in front of me.

"Come on, Chim."

"Let's get drunk."

Sounds like the best offer I've had in a while.

We clink glasses and I take a gulp of the burning amber liquid, the fiery heat a welcome distraction from the hideous blossoming pain in my heart.

It's late and I feel fuzzy.

Jih and I are locked out of the apartment.

He insists on walking me back to Escala but he won't stay.

He's called the friend he met earlier for a drink and arranged to crash with him.

"So, this is where the Mogul lives." Jih whistles through his teeth, impressed.

I nod.

"Sure you don't want me to come in with you?" he asks.

"No, I need to face this or just go to bed."

"See you tomorrow?"

"Yes thanks, Jih." I hug him.

"You'll work it out, Chim." he murmurs against my ear.

He releases me and watches while I head into the building.

"Laters," he calls.

I offer him a weak smile and a wave then press the button to call the elevator.

The elevator doors open and I step into Jungkook's apartment.

Taylor is not waiting, which is unusual.

Opening the double doors, I head toward the great room.

Jungkook is on the phone, pacing the room near the piano.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now