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From: Park Jimin

Subject: Fifty Shades

Date: June 13, 2011 09:55

To: Jeon Jungkook


You need to get a grip.

I am NOT going to sleep with Him not for all the tea in China.

I LOVE you. That's what happens when people love each other.

They TRUST each other.

I don't think you are going to SLEEP WITH, SPANK, FUCK, or WHIP anyone else.

I have FAITH and TRUST in you.

Please extend the same COURTESY to me.

I sit waiting for his response.

Nothing arrives.

I call the airline and book a ticket for myself, ensuring I am on the same flight as Yoongi.

I hear the ping of new mail.

From: Lincoln, Elena

Subject: Lunch Date

Date: June 13, 2011 10:15

To: Park Jimin

Dear Jimin

I would really like to have lunch with you,I think we got off on the wrong foot and I'd like to make that right.

Are you free sometime this week?

Elena Lincoln

Holy crap not Mrs. Robinson!

How the hell did she find out my e-mail address?

I put my head in my hands, Can this day get any worse?

My phone rings and wearily I lift my head from my hands and answer, glancing at the clock.

It is only ten twenty and already I wish I hadn't left Jungkook's bed.

"Min Yoongi's office, Park Jimin speaking."

An achingly familiar voice snarls at me, "Will you please delete the last e-mail you sent me and try to be a little more circumspect in the language you use in your work e-mail?"

"I told you, the system is monitored. I shall endeavor to do some damage limitation from here." He hangs up.

Holy fuck...

I sit staring at the phone.

Jungkook hung up on me.

That man is stomping all over my fledgling career, and he hangs up on me?

I glare at the receiver and if it wasn't completely inanimate, I know it would shrivel in horror under my withering stare.

I open my e-mails and delete the one I sent him. It's not that bad.

I just mention spanking and well, whipping.

Jeez, if he's so ashamed of it, he damn well shouldn't do it.

I pick up my Blackberry and call his mobile.

"What?" he snaps.

"I am going to New York whether you like it or not," I hiss.

"Don't count - " I hang up, cutting him off mid-sentence.

Adrenaline is coursing through my body.

I am so mad.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now