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The alarm blasts on with the six am traffic news and I am rudely awakened from my disturbing dream of over-blond and dark-haired women.

I can't grasp what it's about, and I'm immediately distracted becos Jungkook is wrapped around me like silk, his head on my chest, his hand on my chest, his leg over me holding me down.

He's still asleep and I am too warm but I ignore my discomfort tentatively reaching up to run my fingers gently through his hair and he stirs.

Raising bright doe eyes, he grins sleepily.

Holy cow... he's adorable.

"Good morning beautiful." he says.

"Good morning, beautiful yourself." I smile back at him.

He kisses me, disentangles himself and leans up on his elbow staring down at me.

"Sleep okay?" he asks.

"Yes, despite the interruption to my sleep last night."

His grin broadens. "Hmm."

"You can interrupt me like that anytime." He kisses me again.

"How about you? Did you sleep well?"

"I always sleep well with you."

"No more nightmares?"


I frown and chance a question. "What are your nightmares about?"

His brow creases and his grin fades. Shit my stupid curiosity.

"They're flashbacks of my early childhood or so Dr. Flynn says. Some vivid, some less so."

His voice drops and a distant, harrowed look crosses his face.

Absentmindedly, he begins to trace my collarbone with his finger, distracting me.

"Do you wake up crying and screaming?" I try in vain to joke.

He looks at me, puzzled. "No baby, I've never cried."

"As far as I can remember."

He frowns, as if reaching into the depths of his memories.

Oh no that's too dark a place to go at this hour, surely.

"Do you have any happy memories of your childhood?" I ask quickly, mainly to distract him.

He looks pensive for a moment, still running his finger along my skin.

"I recall the crack whore baking."

"I remember the smell."

"A birthday cake I think, For me."

"And then there's Mia's arrival with my mom and dad."

"My mom was worried about my reaction but I adored baby Mia immediately."

"My first word was Mia."

"I remember my first piano lesson, Miss Kathie, my tutor, was awesome. She kept horses, too." He smiles wistfully.

"You said your mom saved you."


His reverie is broken and he gazes at me as if I don't understand the elementary math of two plus two.

"She adopted me." he says simply.

"I thought she was an angel when I first met her, She was dressed in white and so gentle and calm as she examined me."

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now