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"Jimin." Yoongi pulls me abruptly out of my reverie.

Is he still mad?

"Where's that letter?"

"Er - coming." Shit.

What is eating him?

I type up his letter in double-quick time, print it out and nervously make my way into his office.

"Here you go." I place it on his desk and turn to leave.

He quickly casts his critical, piercing, eyes over it.

"I don't know what you're doing out there but I pay you to work."

"I'm aware of that Yoongi." I mutter apologetically.

I feel a slow flush creep up my skin.

"This is full of mistakes." he snaps.

"Do it again." Fuck.

He's beginning to sound like someone I know but rudeness from Jungkook I can tolerate.

Yoongi is beginning to piss me off.

"And get me another coffee while you're at it."

"Sorry." I whisper and scurry out of his office as quickly as I can.

Holy fuck.

He's being unbearable.

I sit back down at my desk, hastily redo his letter, which had two mistakes in it and check it thoroughly before printing.

Now it's perfect.

I fetch him another coffee, letting Claire know with a roll of my eyes that I am in deep doo-doo.

Taking a deep breath, I approach his office again.

"Better," he mumbles reluctantly as he signs the letter.

"Photocopy it, file the original and mail out to all authors."


"Yes." I am not an idiot.

"is there something wrong?"

He glances up,his eyes darkening as his gaze runs up and down my body. My blood chills.

"No." His answer is concise, rude and dismissive.

I stand there like the idiot I professed not to be and then shuffle back out of his office.

Perhaps he too suffers from a personality disorder.

Sheesh, I'm surrounded by them.

I make my way to the photocopier  which of course is suffering from a paper jam and when I've fixed it, I find it's out of paper. This is not my day.

When I am finally back at my desk, stuffing envelopes, my Blackberry buzzes.

I can see through the glass wall that Yoongi is on the phone.

I answer - it's Jih.

"Hi, Jimin How'd it go last night?"

Last night. A quick montage of images flashes through my mind Jungkook kneeling,his revelation, his proposal, macaroni and cheese my weeping, his night-mare, the sex, touching him...

"Eh... fine." I mutter unconvincingly.

Jih pauses and decides to collude in my denial. "Cool."

"Can I collect the keys?"

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now