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"What do you want Baby?" he breathes.

"You." I gasp.



He breaks free, scoops me into his arms and carries me quickly and seemingly without any strain into my bedroom.

Setting me on my feet beside my bed, he leans down and switches on my bedside lamp.

He glances quickly round the room and hastily closes the pale cream curtains.

"Now what?" he says softly.

"Make love to me."



"You have got to tell me, baby."

Holy crap.

"Undress me." I am panting already.

He smiles and hooks his index finger into my open shirt, pulling me toward him.

"Good boy." he murmurs and without taking his blazing eyes off mine, slowly starts to unbutton my shirt.

Tentatively I put my hands on his arms to steady myself.

He doesn't complain.

His arms are a safe area.

When he's finished with the buttons, he pulls my shirt over my shoulders and I let go of him to let the shirt fall to the floor.

He reaches down to the waist band of my jeans, pops the button and pulls down the zipper.

"Tell me what you want." His eyes smolder and his lips part as he takes quick shallow breaths.

"Kiss me from here to here," I whisper trailing my finger from the base of my ear, down my throat.

He smoothes my hair out of the line of fire and bends, leaving sweet soft kisses along the path my finger took and then back again.

"My jeans and panties," I murmur and he smiles against my throat before he drops to his knees in front of me.

Oh, I feel so powerful.

Hooking his thumbs into my jeans, he gently pulls them and my panties down my legs.

I step out of my pumps and my clothes so that I'm left wearing only my top.

He stops and looks up at me expectantly but he doesn't get up.

"What now, Jimin?"

"Kiss me," I whisper.


"You know where."


Oh, he's taking no prisoners.

Embarrassed I quickly point at my dick and he grins wickedly.

I close my eyes, mortified but at the same time beyond aroused.

"Oh with pleasure," he chuckles.

He kisses me and unleashes his tongue, his joy-inspiring expert tongue.

Sucking me like his life depend on it, I groan and fist my hands into his hair.

He doesn't stop, his tongue circling at the tip of my dick, driving me insane, on and on, round and round.

Ahhh it's only been how long... ?


"My Love, please." I beg.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now