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Holy shit, did I really just do that?

It must be the alcohol.

I've had champagne plus four glasses of four different wines.

I glance up at Jungkook who's busy applauding.

Crap, he's going to be so angry and we've been getting on so well.

He leans over to me, a large fake smile plastered across his face.

He kisses my cheek and then moves closer to whisper in my ear in a very cold, controlled voice.

"I don't know whether to worship at your feet or spank the living shit out of you."

Oh I know what I want right now.

I gaze up at him blinking through my mask, I just wish I could read what's in his eyes.

"I'll take option two, please." I whisper frantically as the applause dies down.

His lips part as he inhales sharply Oh that mouth I want it on me, now.

I ache for him.

He gives me a radiant sincere smile that leaves me breathless.

"Suffering, are you?"

"We'll have to see what we can do about that." he murmurs as he runs his fingers along my jaw.

His touch resonates deep, deep inside where that ache has spawned and grown.

I want to jump him right here, right now but we sit back to watch the auction of the next lot.

I can barely sit still.

Jungkook drapes an arm around my shoulders, his thumb rhythmically stroking my back, sending delicious tingles down my spine.

His free hand clasps mine, bringing it to his lips, then letting it rest on his lap.

Slowly and surreptitiously, so I don't realize his game until it's too late, he eases my hand up his leg and against his erection.

I gasp and my eyes dart in panic around the table but all eyes are fixed on the stage.

Thank heavens for my mask.

Taking full advantage, I slowly caress him, letting my fingers explore.

Jungkook keeps his hand over mine, hiding my bold fingers, while his thumb skates softly over the nape of my neck.

His mouth opens as he gasps softly and it's the only reaction I can see to my inexperienced touch But it means so much.

He wants me.

Everything south of my navel contracts.

This is becoming unbearable.

A week by Lake Adriana in Montana is the final lot for auction.

Of course Mr. and Dr. Jeon have a house in Montana and the bidding escalates rapidly but I am barely aware of it.

I feel him growing beneath my fingers and it makes me feel so powerful.

"Sold, for one hundred ten thousand dollars!" the MC declares victoriously.

The whole room bursts into applause and reluctantly I follow as does Jungkook ruining our fun.

He turns to me and his lips twitch. "Ready?" he mouths over the rapturous cheering.

"Yes." I mouth back

"Jimin!" Mia calls. "It's time!"


No. Not again!

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now