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"Oh, I think you need to try that again." he whispers.

"You should concentrate, baby."

I am panting now, excited by this game.

He strolls to the end of the table, sets up the black ball again, then runs the white ball back down to me.

He looks so carnal, dark eyed with a lascivious smile.

How could I ever resist this man?

I catch the ball and line it up, ready to strike again.

"Uh-uh." he admonishes.

"Just wait." Oh, he just loves prolonging the agony.

He wanders back and stands behind me again.

I close my eyes once more as he strokes my left thigh this time then fondles my backside again.

"Take aim." he breathes.

I can't help my moan as desire twists and turns inside me and I try, really try, to think about where I should hit the black with the white.

I shift slightly to my right and he follows me.

I bend over the table once more.

Using every last vestige of inner strength which has diminished considerably since I know what will happen once I strike the white ball,I take aim and hit the white again.

He smacks me once more, hard.

Ow! I miss again.

"Oh no!" I groan.

"Once more, baby."

"And if you miss this time, I'm really going to let you have it."


Have what?

He sets up the black ball once more and walks achingly slow, back to me until he's standing behind me, caressing my backside once more.

"You can do it." he coaxes.

Oh not when you're distracting me like this, i love push my behind back against his hand and he smacks me lightly.

"Eager, Mr park?" he murmurs.

Yes. I want you.

"Well, let's get rid of these." He gently slides my panties down my thighs and off.

I can't see what he does with them but he leaves me feeling exposed as he plants a soft kiss on each cheek.

"Take the shot, baby."

I want to whimper, this is so not going to happen.

I know I am going to miss.

I line up the white, hit it, and in my impatience, miss the black completely.

I wait for the blow but it doesn't come.

Instead he leans right over me, flattening me against the table, takes the cue out of my hand and rolls it to the side cushion.

I can feel him hard against my backside.

"You missed." he says softly in my ear.

My cheek is pressed against the baize. "Put your hands flat on the table."

I do as he says.


"I'm going to spank you now and next time, maybe you won't." He shifts so he's standing to my left side, his erection against my hip.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now