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I wake suddenly from a dream or nightmare and my pulse is thumping.

I turn, panicked and to my relief, My man is fast asleep beside me.

Because I've shifted, he stirs and reaches out in his sleep, draping his arm over me and rests his head on my shoulder, sigh-ing softly.

The room is flooded with light.

It's eight o'clock.

Jungkook never sleeps this late.

I lie back and let my racing heart calm. Why the anxiety?

Is it the aftermath of last night?

I turn and stare at him.

He's here.

He's safe.

I take a deep steadying breath and gaze at his lovely face.

A face that is now so familiar, all its dips and shadows eternally etched on my mind.

He looks much younger when he's asleep and I grin because today he's a whole year older.

I hug myself, thinking about my present. Oooh what will he do?

Perhaps I should start by bringing him breakfast in bed.

Besides, Joon may still be here.

I find Joon at the counter, eating a bowl of cereal. I can't help but flush when I see him.

He knows I've spent the night with Jungkook.

Why do I suddenly feel so shy?

It's not as if I'm naked or any thing.

I'm wearing my silk floor-length wrap.

"Morning." I smile, brazening it out.

"Hey, Chim!" His face lights up, genuinely pleased to see me.

There's no hint of teasing or salacious contempt in his expression.

"Sleep well?" I ask.

"Sure, Some view from up here."

"Yeah. It's pretty special." Like the owner of this apartment.

"Want a real man's breakfast?" I tease.

"Love some."

"It's Kook's birthday today, I'm making him breakfast in bed."

"He awake?"

"No, I think he's fried from yesterday." I quickly glance away from him and head to the fridge so he can't see my blush.

Jeez, it's only Joon.

When I take the eggs and bacon out of the fridge, Joon is grinning at me.

"You really like him, don't you?"

I purse my lips. "I love him, Joon."

His eyes widen momentarily then he grins. "What's not to love?" he asks gesturing round the great room.

I scowl at him. "Gee, thanks!"

"Hey Jimin, just kidding."

Hmm will I always have this leveled at me?

That I'm marrying Jungkook for his money?

"Seriously, I'm kidding."

"You've never been that kind of guy."

"Omelet good for you?" I ask, changing the subject.

I don't want to argue.


Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now