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Holy fuck.

She's here, gazing at me with an unnerving blank expression, holding a gun.

I blink repeatedly at Leila as my mind goes into overdrive.

How did she get in?

Where's Jih?

Holy shit! Where is Jih?

A creeping cold fear grips my heart and my scalp prickles as each and every follicle on my head tightens with terror.

What if she's harmed him?

I start breathing rapidly as adrenaline and bone-numbing dread course through my body.

Keep calm, keep calm I repeat the mantra over and over in my head.

She tilts her head to one side, regarding me as if I'm an exhibit in a freak show.

Jeez, I'm not the freak here.

It feels like an eon has passed while I process all this, though in reality it is only a split second.

Leila's expression remains blank, and her appearance is as scruffy and ill-kempt as ever.

She's still wearing that grubby trench coat and she looks desperately in need of a wash.

Her hair is greasy and lank, plastered against her head and her eyes are a dull brown, cloudy and vaguely confused.

Despite the fact that my mouth has no moisture in it whatsoever, I attempt to speak.

"Hi, Leila isn't it?" I rasp.

She smiles but it's a disturbing curl of her lip rather than a true smile.

"He speaks." she whispers and her voice is soft and hoarse at the same time, an eerie sound.

"Yes, I speak." I say gently as if to a child.

"Are you here alone?"

Where is Jih? My heart pounds at the thought that he might have come to some harm.

Her face falls, so much so that I think she's about to burst into tears - she looks so forlorn.

"Alone," she whispers. "Alone." And the depth of sadness in that one word is heart wrenching.

What does she mean?

I am alone?

She's alone?

She's alone because she's harmed Jih?

Oh no I have to fight the choking fear clawing at my throat as tears threaten.

"What are you doing here? Can I help you?" My words are a calm, gentle interrogation despite the suffocating fear in my throat.

Her brow furrows as if she's completely befuddled by my questions but she makes no violent move against me.

Her hand is still relaxed around her gun.

I take a different tack, trying to ignore my tightening scalp.

"Would you like some tea?"

Why am I asking her if she wants tea?

It's Ray's answer to any emotional situation, resurfacing inappropriately. Jeez, he'd have a fit if he saw me right this minute.

His army training would have kicked in and he'd have disarmed her by now.

She's not actually pointing that gun at me. Perhaps I can move.

She shakes her head and tilts it from side to side as if stretching her neck.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now