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"So beautiful." he murmurs.

When I persuade one eye to open, he's gazing down at me, smiling softly.

"Hi," he says.

I manage a grunt in response, and his smile broadens.

"Rude enough for you?"

I nod and give him a reluctant grin. Jeez, any ruder and I'd have to spank the pair of us.

"I think you're trying to kill me," I mutter.

"Death by orgasm." He smirks.

"There are worse ways to go." he says but then frowns ever so slightly as an unpleasant thought crosses his mind.

It distresses me. I reach up and caress his face.

"You can kill me like this any time." I whisper.

I notice that he's gloriously naked and ready for action.

When he takes my hand and kisses my knuckles, I lean up and capture his face between my hands and pull his mouth to mine.

He kisses me briefly, then stops.

"This is what I want to do." he murmurs and reaches beneath his pillow for the music center remote.

He presses a button and the soft strains of a guitar echo round the walls.

"I want to make love to you." he says gazing down at me, his doe eyes burning with bright, loving sincerity.

Softly in background, a familiar voice starts to sing "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face." And his lips find mine.

As I tighten around him, finding my release once more, Jungkook unravels in my arms, his head thrown back as he calls out my name.

He clasps me tightly to his chest as we sit nose to nose in the middle of his vast bed, me astride him.

And in this moment this moment of joy with this man to this music the intensity of my experience this morning in here with him and all that has occurred during the past week overwhelms me anew, not just physically but emotionally. I am completely overcome with all these feelings.

I am so deeply, deeply in love with him.

For the first time I'm offered a glimmer of understanding as to how he feels about my safety.

Recalling his close call with Charlie Tango yesterday, I shudder at the thought and tears pool in my eyes.

If anything ever happened to him I love him so. My tears run unchecked down my cheeks.

So many sides of Jungkook- his sweet, gentle persona and his rugged, I can-do-what-I-fucking-well-like-to-you-and-you'll-come-like-a-train Dominant side - his fifty shades all of him.

All spectacular. All mine.

And I'm aware we don't know each other well and we have a mountain of issues to overcome, but I know for each other, we will and we'll have a lifetime to do it.

"Hey." he breathes, clasping my head in his hands, gazing down at me. He's still inside me.

"Why are you crying?" His voice is filled with concern.

"Because I love you so much," I whisper.

He half-closes his eyes as if drugged, absorbing my words.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now