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He trails his fingers up and down my spine as we gaze at each other, basking in our postcoital bliss, replete.

We lie together, me on my front hugging my pillow, he on his side and I am treasuring his tender touch.

I know that right now he needs to touch me.

I am a balm for him, a source of solace and how could I deny him that?

I feel exactly the same about him.

"So you can be gentle" I murmur.

"Hmm so it would seem baby."

I grin. "You weren't particularly the first time we... um, did this."

"No?" He smirks.

"When, I robbed you of your virtue."

"I don't think you robbed me," I mutter haughtily.

"I think my virtue was offered up pretty freely and willingly."

"I wanted you too and if I remember correctly, I rather enjoyed myself." I smile shyly at him, biting my lip.

"So did I if I recall baby."

"We aim to please." he drawls and his face softens, serious.

"And it means you're mine, completely." All trace of humor has vanished as he gazes at me.

"Yes I am." I murmur back at him.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"Your biological father... do you know who he was?"

This thought has been bugging me.

His brow creases and then he shakes his head. "I have no idea."

"Wasn't the savage who was her pimp, which is good."

"How do you know?"

"Something my dad."

"something Carrick said to me."

I gaze at my Fifty expectantly, waiting, he smirks at me.

"So hungry for information, baby." he sighs, shaking his head.

"The pimp discovered the crack whore's body and phoned it in to the authorities."

"Took him four days to make the discovery though."

"He shut the door when he left."

"left me with her body." His eyes cloud at the memory.

I inhale sharply.

Poor baby boy, the horror is too grim to contemplate.

"Police interviewed him later."

"He denied flat out I was any thing to do with him and Carrick said he looked nothing like me."

"Do you remember what he did look like?"

"baby, this isn't a part of my life I revisit very often."

"Yes i remember what he looked like, I'll never forget him."

his face darkens and hardens, becoming more angular, his eyes frosting with anger.

"Can we talk about something else?"

"I'm sorry."

"I didn't mean to upset you."

He shakes his head. "It's old news, little star."

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now