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"Mac will be back soon." he murmurs.

"Hmm." My eyes flicker open to meet his soft gaze.

Lord his eyes are an amazing color especially here, out on the sea reflecting the light bouncing off the water through the small portholes into the cabin.

"As much as I'd like to lie here with you all afternoon, he'll need a hand with the din-ghy."

Leaning over, Jungkook kisses me tenderly. "baby, you look so beautiful right now, all mussed up and sexy."

"Makes me want you more." He smiles and rises from the bed.

I lay on my front admiring the view.

"You ain't so bad yourself, captain." I smack my lips in admiration and he grins.

I watch him move gracefully about the cabin as he dresses.

He really is divinely beautiful and what's more, he's just made such sweet love to me again.

I can hardly believe my good fortune.

I can't quite believe that this man is mine.

He sits down beside me to put on his shoes.

"Captain, eh?" he says dryly.

"Well I am master of this vessel."

I cock my head to one side. "You are master of my heart, My Jeon." And my body and my soul.

He shakes his head incredulously and bends to kiss me. "I'll be on deck."

"There's a shower in the bathroom if you want one."

"Do you need anything?"

"A drink?" he asks solici-tously, and all I can do is grin at him.

Is this the same man?

Is this the same Fifty?

"What?" he says, reacting to my stupid grin.


"What about me?"

"Who are you and what have you done with Jungkook?"

He lips twitch with a sad smile.

"He's not very far away, baby," he says softly and there's a touch of melancholy in his voice that makes me instantly regret asking the question.

But he shakes it off. "You'll see him soon enough." he smirks at me.

"Especially if you don't get up." Reaching over, he smacks me hard on my behind so I yelp and laugh at the same time.

"You had me worried."

"Did I, now?" Jungkook's brow creases.

"You do give off some mixed signals baby, How's a man supposed to keep up?" He leans down and kisses me again.

"Laters, baby," he adds and with a bunny smile, he gets up and leaves me to my scattered thoughts.

When I surface on deck, Mac is back on board but he disappears onto the upper deck as I open the saloon doors.

Jungkook is on his Blackberry.

Talking to whom? I wonder.

He wanders over and pulls me close, kissing my hair.

"Great news, Yeah Really?"

"The fire escape stairwell?"

"I see, yes tonight."

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now