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"Do you know how much you turn me on?"

"What?" I pant. "No... I..."

"Well, you do." he mutters,

"All the time." He grabs the foil packet from my hands.

Oh, this is so quick but after all his tantalizing teasing, I want him badly right now.

He gazes down at me as he rolls on the condom, then puts his hands under my thighs, spreading my legs wider.

Positioning himself, he pauses. "Keep your eyes open."

"I want to see you." he whispers and clasping both my hands with his, he sinks slowly into me.

I try, I really do but the feeling is so exquisite.

What I've been waiting for after all his teasing.

Oh, the fullness, this feeling I groan and arch my back off the table.

"Open!" he growls, tightening his hands on mine and thrusting sharply into me so that I cry out.

I blink my eyes open and he stares down at me wide-eyed.

Slowly he withdraws then sinks into me once more, his mouth slackening and then forming an Ah, but he says nothing.

Seeing his arousal, his reaction to me I light up inside, my blood scorching through my veins.

His doe eyes burn into mine.

He picks up the rhythm and I revel in it, glory in it, watching him, watching me, his passion, his love as we cum apart, together.

I call out as I explode between us and Jungkook follows.

"Yes, Jimin!" he cries.

He collapses on me, releasing my hands and resting his head on my chest.

My legs are still wrapped around him and under the patient, maternal eyes of the Madonna paintings, I cradle his head against me and struggle to catch my breath.

He raises his head to look at me.

"I'm not finished with you yet" he murmurs and leaning up, he kisses me.

I lie naked in Jungkook's bed, sprawled over his chest, panting.

Holy cow does his energy ever wane?

Jungkook trails his fingers up and down my back.

"Satisfied, Mr park?"

I murmur my assent.

I have no energy left for talking.

Raising my head, I turn unfo-cused eyes to him and bask in his warm, fond gaze.

Very deliberately, I angle my head down so he knows I am going to kiss his chest.

He tenses momentarily and I plant a soft kiss in his chest, breathing in his unique Jungkook smell mixed with sweat and sex.

It's heady.

He rolls onto his side so I'm lying beside him and gazes down at me.

"Is sex like this for everyone? I'm surprised anyone ever goes out." I murmur, feeling suddenly shy.

He grins. "I can't speak for every one but it's pretty damned special with you, baby." He bends and kisses me.

"That's because you're pretty damned special, Mr. Jeon." I agree, smiling up at him and caressing his face.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now