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"Jimin!" Joon distracts me and I'm dragged back to the here and now.

"I am so glad you came  listen, I should warn you-"

Suddenly, Miss Very Short Hair and Red Lipstick cuts him off.

"Joon, the journalist from the Portland Printz is here to see you, Come on." She gives me a polite smile.

"How cool is this? The fame." He grins and I can't help but grin back - he's so happy.

"Catch you later, Chim." He kisses my cheek and I watch him stroll over to a young woman standing by a tall lanky photographer.

Joon's photographs are everywhere and in some cases, blown up onto huge canvases.

There are both monochromes and colors.

There's an ethereal beauty to many of the landscapes.

In one taken out near the lake at Vancouver, it's early evening and pink clouds are reflected in the stillness of the water.

Briefly, I'm transported by the tranquility and the peace.

It's stunning.

Jungkook joins me and I take a deep breath and swallow, trying to recover some of my earlier equilibrium. He hands me my glass of white wine.

"Does it come up to scratch?" My voice sounds more normal.

He looks quizzically at me.

"The wine."


"Rarely does at these kinds of events."

"The boy's quite talented, isn't he?" Jungkook is admiring the lake photo.

"Why else do you think I asked him to take your portrait?" I can't help the pride in my voice.

His eyes glide impassively from the photograph to me.

"Jeon Jungkook?" The photographer from the Portland Printz approaches Us.

"Can I have a picture, sir?"

"Sure." Jungkook hides his scowl.

I step back but he grabs my hand and pulls me to his side.

The photographer looks at both of us and can't hide his surprise.

"Mr. Jeon, thank you." He snaps a couple of photos.

"Mr... ?" he asks.

"Park." I reply.

"Thank you, Mr park." He scurries off.

"I looked for pictures of you with dates on the Internet."

"There aren't any, That's why Tae knew you were bi or gay."

Jungkook's mouth twitches with a smile. "That explains your inappropriate question."

"No I don't do dates Jimin, only with you But you know that." His eyes burn with sincerity.

"So you never took your" - I glance around nervously to check no one can overhear us - "subs out?"


"Not on dates."

"Shopping, you know." He shrugs, his eyes not leaving mine.

Oh, so just in the playroom - his Red Room of Pain and his apartment.

I don't know what to feel about that.

"Just you Baby." he whispers.

I blush and stare down at my fingers.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now