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"You'll marry me?" he whispers, incredulous.

I nod nervously, flushing and anxious and not quite believing his reaction this man whom I thought I'd lost.

How could he not understand how much I love him?

"Say it." he orders softly, his gaze intense and hot.

"Yes, I'll marry you."

He inhales sharply and moves suddenly, grabbing me and swinging me round in a most un-Fiftylike manner.

He's laughing, young and carefree, radiating joyful elation.

I grab his arms to hold on, feeling his muscles ripple beneath my fingers and his infectious laughter sweeps me up dizzy, addled, a guy totally and utterly smitten with his beautiful man.

He puts me down and kisses me.


His hands are on either side of my face, his tongue insistent, persuasive... arousing.

"Oh, Jimin." he breathes against my lips and it's an exultation that leaves me reeling.

He loves me, of that I have no doubt and I savor the taste of this delicious man, this man I thought I might never see again.

His joy is evident - his eyes shining, his youthful smile and his relief is almost palpable.

"I thought I'd lost you." I murmur, still dazzled and breathless from his kiss.

"Baby, it will take more than a malfunctioning 135 to keep me away from you."


"Charlie Tango."

"She's a Eurocopter 135, the safest in its class."

Some unnamed but dark emotion crosses his face briefly, distracting me.

What isn't he saying?

Before I can ask him,he stills and looks down at me, frowning and for a moment I think he's going to tell me.

I blink up into his speculative gray eyes.

"Wait a minute."

"You gave this to me before we saw Flynn." he says, holding up the keychain.

He looks almost horrified.

Oh dear, where's he going with this?

I nod, keeping a straight face.

His mouth drops open.

I shrug apologetically. "I wanted you to know that whatever Flynn said, it wouldn't make a difference to me."

He blinks at me in disbelief. "So all yesterday evening, when I was begging you for an answer, I had it already?" He's dismayed.

I nod again, trying desperately to gauge his reaction.

He gazes at me in stupefied wonder but then narrows his eyes and his mouth twists with amused irony.

"All that worry." he whispers ominously.

I grin at him and shrug once more. "Oh, don't try and get cute with me, Mr park."

"Right now, I want." He runs his hand through his hair, then shakes his head and changes tack.

"I can't believe you left me hanging." His whisper is laced with disbelief.

His expression alters subtly, his eyes gleaming wickedly, his mouth twitching into a carnal smile.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now