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"Why do you defy me?" he mumbles between his heated kisses.

My blood sings in my veins.

Will he always have this effect on me?

And I on him?

"Because I can." I'm breathless.

I feel rather than see his smile against my neck and he presses his forehead to mine.

"Lord, I want to take you now but I'm out of condoms."

"I can never get enough of you."

"And you make me mad," I whisper. "In every way."

He shakes his head. "Come."

"Let's go out for breakfast."

"And I know a place you can get your hair cut."

"Okay." I acquiesce and just like that, our fight is over.

"I'll get this." I pick up the tab for breakfast before he does.

He scowls at me.

"You have to be quick around here, Jeon."

"You're right, I do." he says sourly, though I think he's teasing.

"Don't look so cross."

"I'm twenty-four thousand dollars richer than I was this morning i can afford"

I glance at the check "twenty-two dollars and sixty-seven cents for breakfast."

"Thank you," he says grudgingly.

Oh, the sulky schoolboy is back.

"Where to now?"

"You really want your hair cut?"

"Yes, look at it."

"You look lovely to me."

"You always do." I blush and stare down at my fingers knotted in my lap.

"And there's your father's function this evening."

"Remember, it's black tie."

Oh Jeez. "Where is it?"

"At my parents' house."

"They have a marquee."

"You know, the works."

"What's the charity?"

Jungkook rubs his hands down his thighs,looking uncomfortable.

"It's a drug rehab program for parents with young kids called Coping Together."

"Sounds like a good cause." I say softly.

"Come, let's go." He stands, effectively halting that topic of conversation and holds out his hand.

As I take it, he tightens his fingers around mine, It's strange.

He's so demonstrative in some ways and yet so closed in others.

He leads me out of the restaurant and we walk down the street.

It is a lovely, mild morning.

The sun is shining and the air smells of coffee and freshly baked bread.

"Where are we going?"


Oh, okay. I don't really like surprises.

We walk for two blocks and the stores become decidedly more exclusive.

I haven't yet had an opportunity to explore but this really is just around the corner from where I live.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now