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"So Aspen." he says and I know he's trying to distract me from something. It works.

"Oh I haven't paid for my bid." I gasp.

"You can send a check."

"I have the address."

"You were really mad."

"Yes, I was."

I grin. "I blame you and your toys."

"You were quite overcome baby."

"A most satisfactory outcome if I recall." He smiles salaciously.

"Incidentally, where are they?"

"The silver balls? In my bag."

"I'd like them back." He smirks down at me.

"They are far too potent a device to be left in your innocent hands."

"Worried I might be quite over come again maybe with some body else?"

His eyes glitter dangerously. "I hope that's not going to happen," he says, a cool edge to his voice.

"But no baby."

"I want all your pleasure."

Whoa. "Don't you trust me?"


"Now, can I have them back?"

"I'll think about it."

He narrows his eyes at me.

There's music once more from the dance floor but it's a DJ playing a thumping dance number, the bass pounding out a relentless beat.

"Do you want to dance?"

"I'm really tired, My love."

"I'd like to go, if that's okay."

Jungkook glances at Taylor, who nods and we set off toward the house, following a couple of drunken guests.

I'm grateful when Jungkook takes my hand, my feet are aching from the dizzying height and tight confinement of my shoes.

Mia comes bounding up to us. "You're not going, are you?"

"The real music's just beginning. Come on, Chim." She grabs my hand.

"Mia," Jungkook admonishes her.

"He's tired, we're going home."

"Besides, we have a big day tomorrow."

We do?

Mia pouts but surprisingly doesn't push Jungkook.

"You must come by sometime next week."

"Maybe we can hit the mall?"

"Sure, Mia." I grin, though in the back of my mind I'm wondering how since I have to work for a living.

She gives me a quick kiss then hugs Jungkook fiercely, taking us both by surprise.

More astoundingly still, she places her hands directly on the lapels of his jacket and he just gazes down at her, indulgently.

"I like seeing you this happy."

she says sweetly and kisses him on the cheek. "Bye."

"You guys have fun." She skips off toward her waiting friends among them Lily, who looks even more sour-faced without her mask.

I wonder idly where Sean is.

"We'll say goodnight to my parents before we leave, Come."

He leads me through a gaggle of guests to Grace and Carrick, who wish us fond and warm farewells.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now