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"They've been the best in my life, too without exception." I murmur and his smile broadens.

"So you don't want to take me into your playroom?"

He swallows and pales, all trace of humor gone. "No, I don't."

"Why not?" I whisper.

This is not the answer I expected.

And yes, there it is, that little pinch of disappointment.

"The last time we were in there you left me," he says quietly.

"I will shy away from anything that could make you leave me again,I was devastated when you left I explained that."

"I never want to feel like that again, I've told you how I feel about you."His doe eyes are wide and intense with his sincerity.

"But it hardly seems fair."

"It can't be very relaxing for you to be constantly concerned about how I feel,You've made all these changes for me, and I think I should reciprocate in some way."

"I don't know maybe try some role-playing games."I stutter, my face as crimson as the walls of the playroom.

Why is this so hard to talk about?

I have done all manner of kinky fuckery with this man, things I hadn't even heard of a few weeks ago, things that I would never have thought possible, yet the hardest of all is talking to him.

"baby you do reciprocate, more than you know."

"please don't feel like this."

Gone is carefree Jungkook.

His eyes are wider now with alarm and it's gut-wrenching.

"Baby, it's only been one weekend." he continues.

"Give us some time, I thought a great deal about us last week when you left. We need time."

"You need to trust me and I you."

"Maybe in time we can indulge, but I like how you are now."

"I like seeing you this happy, this relaxed and carefree, knowing that I had something to do with it. I have never-" He stops and runs his hand through his hair.

"We have to walk before we can run." Suddenly he smirks.

"What's so funny?"

"Flynn, he says that all the time."

"I never thought I'd be quoting him."

"A Flynnism."

Jungkook laughs. "Exactly."

The waiter arrives with our starters and bruschetta and our conversation changes tack as Jungkook relaxes.

But when the unfeasibly large plates are placed before us, I can't help think how I have thought of Jungkook today  relaxed, happy and carefree.

At least he's laughing now, at ease again.

I breathe an inward sigh of relief as he starts quizzing me about places I've been.

This is a short discussion, since I have never been anywhere except the continental US.

Jungkook on the other hand, has traveled the world.

We slip into an easier, happier conversation, talking about all the places he's visited.

After our tasty and filling meal, Jungkook drives back to Escala Eva Cassidy's gentle sweet voice singing over the speakers.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now