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He is talking to Taylor and three other men in the hallway, his back to me.

Their surprised, appreciative expressions alert Jungkook to my presence.

He turns as I stand and wait awkwardly.

Holy cow! My mouth dries.

He looks stunning Black dinner suit, black bow tie and his expression as he gazes at me is one of awe.

He strolls toward me and kisses my hair.

"Baby, you look breathtaking."

I flush at this compliment in front of Taylor and the other men.

"A glass of champagne before we go?"

"Please." I murmur, far too quickly.

He nods to Taylor who heads into the foyer with his three cohorts.

In the great room, Jungkook retrieves a bottle of champagne from the fridge.

"Security team?" I ask.

"Close protection."

"They're under Taylor's control He's trained in that, too." He hands me a champagne flute.

"He's very versatile."

"Yes, he is." Jungkook smiles.

"You look lovely baby, Cheers." He raises his glass and I clink it with mine.

The champagne is a pale rose color.

It tastes deliciously crisp and light.

"How are you feeling?" he asks, his eyes heated.

"Fine, thank you."I smile sweetly giving nothing away, knowing full well he's referring to the silver balls.

He smirks at me.

"Here, you're going to need this." He hands me a large velvet pouch that was resting on the kitchen island.

"Open it," he says between sips of champagne.

Intrigued, I reach into the bag and pull out an intricate silver masquerade mask with cobalt blue feathers in a plume crowning the top.

"It's a masked ball." he states matter-of-factly.

"I see." The mask is beautiful.

A silver ribbon is threaded around the edges and exquisite silver filigree is etched around the eyes.

"This will show off your beautiful eyes, Baby."

I grin at him, shyly.

"Are you wearing one?"

"Of course."

"They're very liberating in a way," he adds raising an eyebrow and he smirks.

Oh. This is going to be fun.

"Come,I want to show you some thing." Holding out his hand, he leads me out into the hallway and to a door beside the stairs.

He opens it, revealing a large room roughly the same size as his playroom which must be directly above us.

This one is filled with books.

Wow, a library, every wall crammed floor to ceiling.

In the center is a full-size billiard table illuminated by a long triangular-prism-shaped Tiffany lamp.

"You have a library!" I squeak in awe, overwhelmed with excitement.

"Yes, the balls room as hobi calls it, The apartment is quite big."

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now