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Reaching up i tentatively stroke his chest, running my fingertips on his chest and he doesn't stir.

Holy cow. I can't quite believe it.

He's really mine for a few more precious moments.

I lean over and tenderly kiss one of his scars. He moans softly but doesn't wake and I smile.

I kiss another and his eyes open.

"Hi." I grin at him, guiltily.

"Hi." he answers warily.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking at you." I run my fingers down his happy trail.

He captures my hand, narrows his eyes then smiles a brilliant Jungkook-at-ease smile and I relax.

My secret touching stays secret.

why won't you let me touch you?

Suddenly he moves on top of me pressing me into the mattress, his hands on mine, warning me.

He strokes my nose with his.

"I think you're up to no good, Mr park." he accuses but his smile remains.

"I like being up to no good near you."

"You do?" he asks and kisses me lightly on the lips.

"Sex or breakfast?" he asks, his eyes dark but full of humor.

His erection is digging into me and I tilt my erection up to meet him.

"Good choice," he murmurs against my throat, as he trails kisses down to my nipples.


I stand at my chest of drawers staring at my mirror trying to coax my hair into some nice style really, it's just too long.

I'm in jeans and a T-shirt and Jungkook freshly showered is dressing behind me.

I gaze at his body hungrily.

"How often do you work out?" I ask.

"Every weekday." he says, buttoning his fly.

"What do you do?"

"Run, weights, kickbox." He shrugs.


"Yes, I have a personal trainer, an ex-Olympic contender who teaches me. His name is Claude"

"He's very good, You'd like him."

I turn to gaze at him as he starts to button up his white shirt.

"What do you mean I'd like him?"

"You'd like him as a trainer."

"Why would I need a personal trainer?"

"I have you to keep me fit." I smirk at him.

He saunters over and wraps his arms around me, his darkening eyes meeting mine in the mirror.

"But I want you fit baby, for what I have in mind."

"I'll need you to keep up."

I flush as memories of the playroom flood my mind.

Yes the Red Room of Pain is exhausting.

Is he going to let me back in there?

Do I want to go back in?

Of course you do!

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now