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"Feel okay?" he asks.

It's not the most comfortable of positions but I'm so wired with anticipation to see where he's going with this that I nod, weak with wanting.

"Good." He pulls the mask from his back pocket.

"I think you've seen enough now." he murmurs.

He slides the mask over my head, covering my eyes.

My breathing spikes. Wow. Why is not being able to see so erotic?

I am here, trussed up and kneeling on a table,waiting sweet anticipation hot and heavy deep in my belly.

I can still hear, though and the melodic steady beat of the track continues.

It resonates through my body.

I hadn't noticed before.

He must have it on repeat.

Jungkook steps away.

What is he doing?

He moves back to the chest and opens a drawer, then closes it again.

A moment later he's back and I sense him in front of me.

There's a pungent, rich, musky scent in the air.

It's delicious, almost mouth-watering.

"I don't want to ruin my favorite tie." he murmurs.

It slowly unravels as he undoes it.

I inhale sharply as the tail of the tie travels up my body, tickling me in its wake. Ruin his tie?

I listen acutely to determine what he's going to do.

He's rubbing his hands together.

His knuckles suddenly brush over my cheek, down to my jaw following my jawline.

My body leaps to attention as his touch sends a delicious shiver through me.

His hand flexes over my neck and it's slick with sweet-smelling oil so his hand glides smoothly down my throat, across my clavicle and up to my shoulder, his fingers kneading gently as they go.

Oh, I'm getting a massage.

Not what I expected.

He places his other hand on my other shoulder and begins another slow teasing journey across my clavicle.

I groan softly as he works his way down toward my increasingly aching chest, aching for his touch. It's tantalizing.

I arch my body further into his deft touch but his hands glide to my sides, slow, measured, in time to the beat of the music, and studiously avoid my nipples.

I groan but I don't know if it's from pleasure or frustration.

"You are so beautiful, baby." he murmurs, his voice low and husky, his mouth next to my ear.

His nose follows along my jaw as he continues to massage me - beneath my nipples, across my belly, down He kisses me fleetingly on my lips, then he runs his nose down my neck, my throat.

Holy cow, I'm on fire... his nearness, his hands, his words.

"And soon you'll be my mine to have and to hold." he whispers.

Oh my.

"To love and to cherish."


"With my body, I will worship you."

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now