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In the hallway, I am momentarily lost. My heart pounds and my blood races through my veins...

I feel panicked and out of my depth. Holy fuck, that was heavy and now Grace knows. Crap.

I can't think what she's going to say to Jungkook and I know it's wrong, I know but I lean against the door trying to listen.

"How long, son ?" Grace's voice is soft. I can barely hear her.

I cannot hear his reply.

"How old were you?" Her voice is more insistent. "Tell me."

"How old were you when this all started?" Again I can't hear him.

"Everything okay, Jimin?" Ros interrupts me.

"Yes. Fine. Thank you. I..."

Ros smiles. "I'm just going to fetch my purse."

"I need a cigarette."

For a brief moment, I contemplate joining her.

"I'm off to the bathroom." I need to gather my wits and my thoughts, to process what I've just witnessed and heard.

Upstairs seems the safest place to be on my own.

I watch Ros stroll into the drawing room and I bolt two stairs at a time to the second floor, then up to the third.

There's only one place I want to be.

I open the door to Jungkook's childhood bedroom and shut it behind me, taking a huge gulping breath.

Heading for his bed, I flop onto it and stare at the plain white ceiling.

Holy cow.

That has to be, without doubt, one of the most excruciating confrontations I've ever had to endure and now I feel numb.

My fiance and his ex-lover - no would-be groom should have to see that.

Having said that, part of me is glad she's revealed her true self and that I was there to bear witness.

My thoughts turn to Grace.

Poor Grace, to hear all that.

I clutch one to one pillows.

She'll have overheard that him and Elena had an affair but not the nature of it. Thank heavens.

I groan.

What am I doing? Perhaps the evil witch had a point.

No, I refuse to believe that.

She's so cold and cruel.

I shake my head. She's wrong.

I am right for Jungkook.

I am what he needs and in a moment of stunning clarity, I don't question how he's lived his life until recently but why.

His reasons for doing what he's done to countless people- I don't even want to know how many.

The how isn't wrong.

They were all adults.

They were all - how did Flynn put it? - in safe, sane, consensual relationships. It's the why.

The why was wrong. The why was from his place of darkness.

I close my eyes and drape my arm over them but now he's moved on, left it behind and we are both in the light.

I'm dazzled by him and he by me, We can guide each other.

A thought occurs to me. Shit!

A gnawing, insidious thought and I'm in the one place where I can lay this ghost to rest. I sit up.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now