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After a beat, he resumes eating.

I take another bite of sea bass, ignoring him.

Then, putting down my knife, I run my fingers up the inside of my lower thigh, lightly tapping my skin with my fingertips.

It's distracting even to me, especially as I am craving his touch.

He pauses once more.

"I know what you're doing." His voice is low and husky.

"I know that you know, Mr. Jeon." I reply softly.

"That's the point." I pick up an asparagus stalk, gaze sideways at him from beneath my lashes, then dip the asparagus into the hollandaise sauce, swirling the tip round and round.

"You're not turning the tables on me, Mr park." Smirking he reaches over and takes the spear from me amazingly and annoyingly managing not to touch me again.

No, this isn't right this is not going according to plan. Gah!

"Open your mouth." he commands.

I am losing this battle of wills.

I glance up at him again and his eyes blaze bright.

Parting my lips a fraction I run my tongue across my lower lip.

He smiles and his eyes darken further.

"Wider." he breathes, his lips parting so that I can see his tongue.

I groan inwardly and bite my bottom lip, then do as he asks.

I hear his sharp intake of breath he's not so immune.

Good, I am finally getting to him.

Keeping my eyes locked on his, I take the spear in my mouth and suck, gently, delicately on the end.

The hollandaise sauce is mouthwatering. I bite down, moaning quietly in appreciation.

Jungkook closes his eyes. Yes!

When he opens them again, his pupils have dilated.

The effect on me is immediate.

I groan and reach out to touch his thigh.

To my surprise, he uses his other hand to grab my wrist.

"Oh, no you don't, baby." he murmurs softly.

Raising my hand to his mouth, he gently brushes my knuckles with his lips and I squirm.

Finally! More, please.

"Don't touch." he scolds me quietly and places my hand back on my knee, It's so frustrating this brief unsatisfactory contact.

"You don't play fair." I pout.

"I know." He picks up his champagne glass to propose a toast and I mirror his actions.

"Congratulations on your promotion, Mr park." We clink glasses and I blush.

"Yes, kind of unexpected." I mutter.

He frowns as if some unpleasant thought has crossed his mind.

"Eat." he orders.

"I am not taking you home until you've finished your meal, and then we can really celebrate." His expression is so heated, so raw, so commanding. I am melting.

"I'm not hungry, Not for food."

He shakes his head, thoroughly enjoying himself but narrows his eyes at me just the same.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now