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In the bedroom, he sets me down on my feet and drops the spreader on to the bed.

"I don't think you'll hurt me." I breathe.

"I don't think I'll hurt you either." he says. He takes my head in his hands and kisses me, long and hard, igniting my already heated blood.

"I want you so much." he whispers against my mouth, panting.

"Are you sure about this after today?'

"Yes. I want you, too."

"I want to undress you." I can't wait to get my hands on him my fingers are itching to touch him.

His doe eyes widen and for a moment, he hesitates, perhaps to consider my request.

"Okay." he says cautiously.

I reach for the second button on his shirt and hear him catch his breath.

"I won't touch you if you don't want me to." I whisper.

"No." he responds quickly. "Do, It's fine. I'm good." he mutters.

I gently undo the button and my fingers glide down his shirt to the next.

His eyes are large and luminous, his lips parted as his breathing shallows. He is so beautiful, even in his fear because of his fear.

"I want to kiss you there." I murmur.

He inhales sharply. "Kiss me?"

"Yes." I murmur.

His gasps as I undo the next button and very slowly lean forward, making my intention clear.

He's holding his breath but stands stock-still as I plant a gentle kiss among the soft, exposed chest. I undo the final button and lift my face to him.

He's gazing at me and there's a look of satisfaction, calm and... wonder on his face.

"It's getting easier, isn't it?" I whisper.

He nods as I slowly push his shirt off his shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

"What have you done to me, baby?" he murmurs.

"Whatever it is, don't stop." And he gathers me in his arms, fisting both his hands in my hair and pulling my head right back so that he can have easy access to my throat.

He runs his lips up to my jaw, nipping softly. I groan.

Oh, I want this man.

My fingers fumble at his waist-band, undoing the button and pulling down the zipper.

"Oh, baby," he breathes as he kisses me behind my ear.

I feel his erection, firm and hard, straining against mine.

I want him in my mouth.

I step back abruptly and drop to my knees.

"Whoa?" he gasps.

I tug his pants and boxers sharply and he springs free.

Before he can stop me, I take him into my mouth, sucking hard, enjoying his shocked astonishment as his mouth drops open.

He gazes down at me, watching my every move, eyes so dark and filled with carnal bliss.

Oh my. I sheath my teeth and suck harder. He closes his eyes and surrenders to this blissful carnal pleasure is so arousing.

I know what I do to him and it's hedonistic, liberating and sexy as hell.

The feeling is heady, I'm not just powerful, I'm omniscient.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now