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"Jiminie." I turn to find Carrick standing behind us.

"I wondered if you'd do me the honor of the next dance." Carrick holds his hand out to me.

Jungkook shrugs and smiles, releasing my hand and I let him lead me onto the dance floor.

Sam the bandleader launches into "Come Fly with Me," and Carrick puts his arm around my waist and gently whirls me into the throng.

"I wanted to thank you for the generous contribution to our charity, Jimin."

From his tone I suspect this is his roundabout way of asking whether I can afford it.

"Mr. Jeon - "

"Call me Carrick please, Jimin."

"I'm delighted to be able to contribute. I unexpectedly came into some money.I don't need it."

"And it's such a worthy cause."

He smiles down at me and I seize the opportunity for some innocent inquiries.

"Kookie told me a little about his past, so I think it's appropriate to support your work" I add, hoping that this might encourage Carrick to give me a small insight into the mystery that is his son.

Carrick is surprised. "Did he?"

"That's unusual."

"You certainly have had a very positive effect on him, Jimin."

" I don't think I've ever seen him so, so buoyant."

I flush.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"Well in my limited experience, he's a very unusual man." I murmur.

"He is." Carrick agrees quietly.

"his early childhood sounds hideously traumatic, from what he's told me."

Carrick frowns and I worry if I've overstepped the mark.

"My wife was the doctor on duty when the police brought him in."

"He was skin and bones and badly dehydrated, He wouldn't speak." Carrick frowns again, lost in the awful memory, despite the up-tempo music surrounding us.

"In fact he didn't speak for nearly two years, It was playing the piano that eventually brought him out of himself."

"Oh and Mia's arrival of course." He smiles down at me fondly.

"He plays beautifully and he's accomplished so much, you must be very proud of him." I sound distracted.

Holy Shit.

Didn't speak for two years.

"Immensely so."

"He's a very determined, very capable, very bright young man."

"But between you and me, Jimin it's seeing him like he is this evening carefree, acting his age - that's the real thrill for his mom and me."

"We were both commenting on it today, I believe we have you to thank for that." I think I blush to my roots.

What am I supposed to say to this?

"He's always been such a loner We never thought we'd see him with anyone."

"Whatever you're doing, please don't stop."

"We'd like to see him happy." He stops suddenly as if he's overstepped the mark.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now