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I wander into the main room of the suite no sign of Jungkook.

I finally locate him in the dining room.

I take a seat grateful for the impressive breakfast laid before me.

He is reading the Sunday papers and drinking coffee, his breakfast finished. He smiles at me.

"Eat up."

"You're going to need your strength today." he teases.

"And why is that?"

"You going to lock me in the bedroom?"

"Appealing as that idea is, I thought we'd go out today."

"Get some fresh air."

"Is it safe?" I ask innocently, trying and failing to keep the irony from my voice.

his face falls, and his mouth presses in a line. "Where we're going, it is."

"And it's not a joking matter," he adds sternly, narrowing his eyes.

I flush and stare down at my breakfast.

I don't feel like being scolded after all the drama and such a late night.

I eat my breakfast in silence, feeling petulant.

Fifty doesn't joke about my safety I should know this by now.

I want to roll my eyes at him but I refrain.

Okay, I'm tired and testy.

I had a long day yesterday and not enough sleep.

Why, oh why does he get to look as fresh as a daisy?

Life is not fair.

There's a knock at the door.

"That'll be the good doctor," he grumbles obviously still smarting from my irony.

He stalks from the table.

Can't we just have a calm, normal morning?

I sigh heavily, leaving half my breakfast and get up to greet Doctor Depo-Provera.

We're in the bedroom and Dr. Greene is staring at me open-mouthed.

She's dressed more casually than last time in a pale pink cashmere twin set and black pants and her fine blond hair is loose.

"And you just stopped taking it?"

"Just like that?"

I flush, feeling beyond foolish.

"Yes." Could my voice be any smaller?

"You could be pregnant."she says matter-of-factly.


The world falls away at my feet.

My subconscious collapses on the floor retching and I think I'm going to be sick, too. No!

"Here, go pee in this." She's all business today taking no prisoners.

Meekly, I accept the small plastic container she's offered and wander in a daze into the bathroom.

No. No. No. No way... No way... Please no. No.

What will Fifty do?

I go pale.

He'll freak out.

No, please!

I whisper a silent prayer.

Fifty Shades Of Jeon || Jikook ✅ (18+) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now