Chapter Eighty Six

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Ethan's POV

The dreaded moment had arrived, I'd managed to put it off until the next day, but it didn't make it any easier. I hated having 'chats' with people, it always made me uncomfortable. I would never know how to start the conversation. What did I say, that Emma thinks she's hiding something? I couldn't say that. This was a nightmare and we hadn't even started talking yet. Emma and Caleb had gone grocery shopping so it was just me and Kirstie in the house.

I walked into the kitchen and sat opposite her at the table. I couldn't think of how to start the conversation subtly and tactfully. I was really bad at this.

"Hey, what's up?" she asked me.

"Huh?" I frowned.

"You look like you're bursting to ask me something." she grinned.

"Emma said that you said something on Friday night and she spoke to you about it yesterday and you were dismissive." I rambled.

"Spoke to her about what?" she asked.
"Oh c'mon I think we both know what." I insisted.

"No I don't, I was drunk you can't trust anything I said that night." she said quickly.

"Kirstie, I've known you a long time, I know when you're hiding something." I pressed her.

"What do you want me to say?!" she exclaimed.

"Just tell me the truth." I told her.

"I have a child, okay, happy now?!" she shouted.

"What?" I squeaked.

"You heard." she snapped.

"So you're a mum, that's amazing." I breathed.

"Kinda of, he doesn't live with me." she said.

"He lives with his father?" I asked.

"No, his grandparents." she stated.

"I couldn't cope with being a single mum, so he went to live with them for a while, but when I had my life set up and was able to take care of him properly, I went back for him. But he seemed so happy with them, I couldn't bear to tear him away from them." she explained.

"I'm sure he'd learn to be happy with you too." I pointed out.

"I guess I'm scared to do it on my own." she said as tears rolled down her face.

"Me and Emma would help support you." I told her.

"But I live in Ireland." she sighed.

"Wouldn't you consider moving back to England?" I asked her.

"Not right now, besides his grandparents are in Ireland." she stated.

"That's partly why I came on this trip, to take some time to assess things. I'm going to make a lot of changes when I get back. It's time to step up and be a mother." she said passionately.

"Good for you." I smiled at her.

I leant across the table and hugged her gently as she sniffed sadly.

"I've got faith in you." I told her.

"Thanks." she whispered.

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