Chapter 1

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I yawn...tired I got up from the bed Stretching I feel abit of my tank top sleeve slip down i sigh and throw my legs over the bed basically now sitting I got up and walk to the bathroom Seeing my dark brunette hair tangled abit And looking tired I grab my toothpaste and toothbrush and started to brush my teeth after that I brush my hair and wash my face wiping off with a towel

i hear my phone ring I groan and grab it And see it's Wei I smile and Enter the phone call

"Yeah? "I greet while yawning "SIS AOI!! how are you!! "I hear my brother yelled happily filled with energy wouldn't blame him Though I'm gonna be moving to China with him tonight "Hey Wei what you doing...? "I say smirking as I walk out of the bathroom and trying to find suitable clothes for the day

"Just about to go to the airport To pick you up soon "

i smirk "i thought you wherent supposed to leave Yet " I laughed

"I know I know But I couldn't wait! Its gonna be great to have you here I'm gonna show you a lot of cool things including This Cool restaurant called pigsy noodles You have NO IDEA how good that place is It melts into your mouth "

i smirk "well alright then I better get a hurry on my last hike here Gotta have it locked in my memory " I laughed

"Alright then see you soon Bye bye Aoi " he says as he hangs up i smirk and put on a crop top with shorts and leggings and my hiking boots I grab my bag and put in my notepad and phone and go out and walk to the Hiking trail near my Home I see it's a pretty sunny day outside Perferably i perfer it be pretty cloudy it adds more to the Beauty of nature I managed to get the hiking trail and go to it And look for the perfect place to go to i stare left and right

and decided to go left I jump down and then started to run doing some parkour Around the forest jumping across rivers sometimes getting my boots wet but that makes it more fun I climb over rocks And trees And get to a cliff i smirk at the beautiful site The crowd of trees looking like huge green mountains the Waterfall next to me I pull out my phone and take a picture of the beautiful sight I put it back in and I sit down on a rock and grab my notepad and started to draw the Site but with my touch to it

Afew magic Creatures I smile I wonder what they are like Gods demons And more I hummed thinking about it until I realized I finished the drawing I smile and put it back in my Bag and got up And continue on parkouring around the Place taking pictures while at it

after I was done I take a sigh of relief now that was a workout i should head back I got up feeling sweat on my forehead I go down And see back in the town I head back into my house and grab a water bottle and take a huge chug of it I sigh i look at my phone It's already Noon!?

I blink in suprise I must have been in the zone I forgot to check my time I rub the back of my neck I notice I got alittle sun burnt on my skin covered freckles i sigh

And go put my back down and stretch from the intense jogging I better go relax


Just took a nice hot shower And currently watching movies And eating lunch some grapes And peaches i smile at watching some Lord of the rings I'm currently on the first movie of it

I'm just waiting for Wei who won't be here until afew hours and I don't really know to pack anything up i packed up the things I want And need Well I am gonna need to pack my computer up and some of my clothes and my movies and TV but other then that I'm ready to go

i just gotta kick back and relax and wait for wei to come I yawn still feeling sleepy....





i hear a knock on my door waking straight up i sigh Damn it I got up "Hey Aoi!! Guess who's here! "I hear I smirk and laugh "why is it Benny? or Kenny Or maybe lee? "

He laughs "Nope Its wei! Who is ready to bring you to China! " he says with laughing.

i unlock and open the door and was greeted with a big hug and a ruffle on my head i laugh "You big bully!! "I giggled out he chuckles and let's go "Come on help me pack up for the rest of my stuff "i smirked saying "Aw why? " he says pouting jokingly i smirk "it's payment for ruffling my hair Again, "i say he laughs "alright alright hang on I'm comin, " he says and helps me pack the rest of my stuff....



"hey Aoi you good? "I hear I snap out of my thoughts and turn "oh sorry wei just was thinking abit, "I explained

I look back at the car window Getting a beautiful view "so where's the place We are gonna move again? "I ask I hear him chuckle "why don't you see for yourself sis? "He asks i look infont of the car view and gasp seeing a big city we are heading.....

"Welcome home sister..."

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