Chapter 41

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Chester panted abit exhausted from the training he managed to transform into a snake owl wolf raven and of course cat "hmm you managed to transform into 5 animals not bad although you may want to practice more the more stronger you become the easier it will be fighting that arrogant sage "macaque says.

chester nodded getting up looking at his hands and sighs "macaque I want to ask something...."Chester asked macaque looks at him " you really think I can do it fight him? I am just a human who is still learning magic but I doubt even when I master it I...."Chester trailed off and looking down on the ground sighing.

macaque stared at him and shakes his head gently and walks up to Chester placing his hands on his shoulder "hey kid come on look at me "macaque said chester looks at him "I can get it can be scary but someone I know once told me 'it's alright to be scared if your not scared of anything your not a person ' so it's fine to be scared of the fact that you fear of failing but it's gonna be alright heh you got the Sixed eared macaque training you and at your side who will teach you how to use your power and destroy your enemies besides your aren't really using a weapon..." he says and lifts Chester head "YOU are the weapon "macaque added.

chester smiled gently "thanks macaque..."he said and hugs him macaque hesitated for a moment but melts into the hug hugging Chester back although not noticing chester was blushing at the hug macaque felt so cold but so comforting he felt safe around him the mortal smiled macaque sighed

Chester laughed and nodded pulling away from the hug macaque walks off chester frown abit and blushed "...hey macaque? "He called out macaque stopped "hmm..?"macaque hummed "I...I wanna say thank you for helping me and teaching me how to control my powers and letting me help save the world your....your a good friend "he says as he walks up to macaque and with instinct chester goes to plant a kiss on macaque cheek "aw how n-MPMH!" Macaque was cutted off having the kiss that Chester wanted to give to macaques cheek was instead planted on his own lips chester blushes and quickly pulled away

"OH GODS IM SO SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN TO! I WAS PLANNING TO PLANT ON YOUR CHEE-I MEAN! GIVE YOU A UH-UM! "Chester stuttered flustered macaque was also flustered his face was all red did....did chester just...kissed him "IBETTERHEADHOMEBEFOREMYSLIBINGSWORRYOKBYE!!" Chester blurt out quickly and ran out with his clothes







Macaque blinked and touched his lips that mortal lips they....felt so soft and warm macaque quickly shakes head and Focus macaque focus!

Macaque looks where the boy was....did....did chester....liked him? He thinks about it of hints of this could be that case the hints are really clear....

that boy was in love with him....macaque burst out laughing OH how hilarious a mortal boy in love with the sixed eared macaque! The villain of every story oh he may seen hilarious things but this was priceless...

He stop and think humming....this could be useful actually to get this boy wrapped finger....he could use Chester feelings and make him his so he can trust him more besides he doesn't seem the type to betray his own mate.....

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