Chapter 6

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(side note: a little update first of there will be now Fanart in the chapters the art won't belong to me it belongs to Raychel who made Their wukong x reader story My wallet (Also it's really good you should check it out!! ) they are also gonna be helping me with Some arts on the chapters for now on and the writing is gonna be abit different now if you perfer the old style of the book just tell me and I will fix it Anyways enjoy the story! )







Months had passed since Wukong and Aoi met as they hanged out their bond Begin to grow stronger And actually hang out with each other a lot but....the peace didn't last


I yawn waking up and got up tired "Chester you awake? " Aoi asks "yeah yeah...."i yawned as I got up and put on my clothes and my guitar case and got out "What..? " I say " just wanted to say I am leaving! I see ya soon! " she says as she leaves wei walks out "She has been hanging out with that Hunter guy a lot lately " i say to him he nodded "Well hey Aleast he sounds like a good guy he did saved Aoi, " he added

"Anyways I should be heading off Now I got work, " Wei says as he straighten his jacket "See ya! " I waved

he leaves the house well It's just me alone in the house before I head to the bar i sigh maybe I should do something there is that Shadowplay theater I hear they do great stories!

yeah maybe I should I quickly go out holding onto my guitar just in case

I go and head to the theater it looks Very big I go in and I was correct although not much people here I see a person cleaning the counter for what I'm guessing is the food I go to them

they notice me I place my cash on the table they count it and nodded as a way of saying I'm allowed to go in "thank you, " i say as I go to the room where the theater is at and sit down and place my guitar next to me and wait

i look around it's pretty big the curtains were closed and The place was big I casually just wait until the lights go off I gasp And see a shadow then the curtains open showing a Hooded figure with a smirk As he grabs something I couldn't see due to be high up although I couldn't really pay attention to the story either something feels weird about the guy....just can't put my finger on it but He seems to be really good as the narrator and maybe the shadows are his doing? I can't tell

i look at him as he explained the story I heard pieces of it but....I couldn't help but feel something is wrong And well wei and Aoi did say I was the very observant out of all of the three of us I observe more of people if I feel something off but this guy I don't know....

I think abit..... I should head to work early maybe It can calm me down abit....besides my boss Is kind enough to let me relax before work....

Once was the show is over I quickly got up and grab my guitar case and quickly leave and head to the shortcut I always take to get to the bar it takes 2 hours yes but it gets Me there faster


I walk around the Allyway listening to music on my phone I notice something I quickly take off my headphones and turn no one is there....

I gulp in fear and quickly turn And see a figure I scream but with no time to move I was quickly pinned into the wall accidentally dropping my guitar case my arm are squeezed tight my head is buzzing and I lose abit of my focus of my vision cause it was blurry

i whine Out of pain i try to regain my focus I felt something abit warm run down my face.....I already know it's my blood this person who ever they are must be pretty strong to shove me so hard on the wall with one hand to caused me to bleed I managed to regain focus he laughs darkly

"WELL, WELL, WELL? Who do we have here? " he chuckles I look at him with fear seeing it was the hooded man back at the theater

"ah no need for introductions I guess you could say we already know each other, " he makes a gesture with his right hand and stares at me in the eye it was as if you could see the corrupt darkness inside him just looking at his expression I gulped in fear what does this guy want!? How long was he following me so many questions enter in my head

he leans closer "not willing to talk are we? "

I gulped trying to lean back from him but I was stuck I tried to speak but the words got caught in my throat nothing came out "listen, I know this situation isn't ideal but it is for the best of all of us. Us meaning you Me the whole world and that little sibling of yours. "

I froze " Did you know of Aoi!? " I finally spoke "Lets just say.. I've been doing my research" He continues talking, his words seemingly seeping into my head "The Monkey King" He sighs, almost looking too sad to be true "He is bad news. Despite all of the stories youve heard an read. We were... lets just say.. close back then. But the second that he got stronger, he.. abandoned everyone that was seemingly dear to him."

I look confused "monkey king? What are you talking about! " I ask why is he talking about wukong? "I know its unbelievable, but you have to trust me. Monkey King is planning on using your friend and then throwing them away like hes always done. Then again.. who would ever trust someone as creepy as me right? You should just ignore me."

I froze "wait..." i say as I grab his sleeve before he can pull away " tell me what's going on why is he planning to use my sister If my family is in danger I have to trust you They are the only family I have left " i say I see abit of a smirk from him as I am guessing he is glad I'm trusting him

"Very well.." He begins "There is an evil demon, someone who is stronger than anything you could imagine, the Lady Bone Demon. Him and the Monkey King have some,, history to put it simple. Now that they are reunited, they plan on destroying the world with a weapon that nothing can match.."

I gasp in shock I look down for a second and look back at him "Oh god..." I say under my breath I look at him in disbelief. "I want to stop him, i want to stop THEM, which is why I need every help I can get."

"I.... I will help....I can't lose my family Or my home just tell me what I need to do " i say filled with determination "Well if thats the case..." he began "Get your little friend away from him"

"Alright then anything else..? Where I can find her? " I ask he laughs bit at me panicking abit As he knows I am in a state of panic since the world and my family is in stake "Shes at the Sacred Temple I believe, go find her until its too late!" He pushes me a bit, signalling for me to go

"Alright OH Thank you sir....uh? " I say before I realized I don't know his name

"Im Macaque.. Uhm, yeah, just Macaque is fine" He says I smile at him gently "thank you macaque You are forever In my debt " i say "No problem!" He smirks "But uhm,, you should really get going now."

I nodded and quickly ran to the forest To find my sister before it's to late


In the alleyway stood a smiling, six eared monkey. He couldnt believe that the person he talked with was this guillible The Boy actually fell for that But he guess he actually really does care for his family unlike others....

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