Chapter 9

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Aoi is currently walking back to The city but she stops for abit when the phone rings she sighs and answers it "hello? " she asks

"Aoi thank god you ok!? " wei answers "woah woah slow down there what's happening!? "

" The city is being attacked by the bull guys They seem more stronger The city is currently being evacuated It feels like that movie clover field But your apart of the damn movie! And it isn't a gaint baby thingy it's a Bull demon, " wei explains

i froze "but I need to know Please tell me are you safe? " he asks "yeah I'm safe I'm....near my friends house on the mountain " i explained "well good but I suggest staying there for abit until things cool down, " he explained "Ok then be careful also tell me if you see chester I don't know where he is " "of course "

"bye! "


I hang up and head back to the temple I wave hello to the monkeys who were playing on the roof although I notice something off Aoi see the door are open She walks in and sit wukong who has stretched "Long day? "

he flinches and turns "Aoi why are you still doing here? " he asks with confused "Bull demons attacking the city "

he groans "of course....well I know MK will handle it " he explained as he sits down rubbing his neck Aoi sits next to him "Wow what happened with you? " She ask now noticing he is abit injured "macaque " he answers not even trying to hide it due to him being tired she sighs and smile "poor stable boy "

she pets his head he glares at her smirking "I thought we agreed you don't call me that! "

Aoi smirked smugly "well it's a way to get back all the teasing you do to me " She giggled and they both laugh and look at eachother but soon she looks down and back at wukong again "hey wukong....can I see it again? " Aoi ask he looks confused but frowns realizing what She was asking about

"Didnt it scare you last time though? " he asked " I didn't know it was you then and besides I bet it's tiring to keep that form all the time a king does deserve rest after all "

he smiled "alright only because your lucky that you one of the rare people to see it and that your my friend "

he closes his eyes he focuses and then a bright yellow glow came She closes her eyes cause from it being to bright after it fades Aoi open her eyes and stare at wukong with his true appearance

he opens his burning red eyes and looks abit away "I probably look pretty imitating do I? " he says with a nervous chuckle at the end

Aoi laughs abit and smiles "It shows how brave you are, " she says he looks back at her with a gentle smile he turns to her

Aoi sees some battle scars on his face "I still don't know why you hide your true appearance, " she says he leans back "Well I don't wanna scare the wrong person do I? " he laughs abit

Aoi laughs with him abit and leans back "yeah, " she answers and flinches abit feel a flop and weight on her legs she looks down and sees wukong tired she scoffs playfully and laughs abit "Wukong get off I'm not your pillow " She says as she tried to nudge him off "too tired It had been a long day, " He mumbles with his eyes close

she giggles "you dork! " he smirks "yeah but I'm a handsome dork, "

She rolls her eyes playfully and leans back as she hears the monkey king snore showing that he is asleep Aoi yawns abit tired too And decided to sleep abit also she closes her eyes and soon she felled asleep....







....Although unaware that a visitor was watching them they stare at a moment and quickly left.....

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