Chapter 60

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(Hello my monkie kid fans I have come with a quick update so you know the character gabby well sadly she won't appear in further chapters currently the reason being it's because her creator and I had been having issues and it makes me feel uncomfortable to use her after what happened

I know it doesn't help since she was in some important events and even was a main focus on one chapter but I would rather feel comfortable writng my book without issues that happened then feel uncomfortable writing stuff when issues happen I hope you all understand and thank you for making this book possible anyways enjoy the chapter! )

(QUICK LITTLE EDIT I MADE HERE so me and the creator made up and now on good terms gabby will appear in chapters sorry for the quick edit anyways enjoy!)

sparrow and Chester are getting prepared for training he has his training outfit "alright so you have fighting experience with Macaque right? " she asked "oh yeah I can threw afew punches and stuff " he answered "good cause this time we should kick it up a notch this time you will be fighting two opponents! " she explained as she looked at the two cat demons Cody waves shyly chester blinks "wait what? " he says as he turns to her "your gonna need to learn fighting more then one opponent trust me on this one "she said.

chester rubs the back of his neck "I know it just I never expected it would be this early "he explained "ah don't worry I asked them to go easy...."she says but quickly wraps her arm around his neck pulls him close "also just between us it's probably not gonna be easy with Percy so good luck "she whisper chester frown oh fuck.

soon the others are ready the got into their positions training weapons in head "alright lady and gentleman are you ready "sparrow asked they nodded "alright....Percy Cody....if you will "she says giving the ok to fight soon Percy tries to attack chester he blocks it as he starts fighting the two cat demons as they trained chester was having a easier time with Cody with dodging although with Percy....

chester kept getting hit with Percy staff he couldn't move anywhere without her hitting him in a way soon she does a judo flip that made him land on his ass he tries to get up Percy stomps on his chest he looks up seeing her smirk "are you even trying? "She asked "is he ok?! "Cody yells panicking "d...don't worry I'm fine "Chester grumbled as Percy helps him up he rubs the bruises on his body he had Percy really knew how to land some hits "so how was that o...oh Cody your glasses are fogged "she said noticing Cody glasses are foggy "oh crap! " he says as he notices and clean his glasses with his scarf "alright guys Lunch break cause I'm starving like uh....tiger hunting bears "sparrow joked the three walked up to her as she pulls up food it had some noodles and steamed buns they begin to eat.

Chester looks at Percy "I....I wanna say good job you are a really good fighter "he complimented her she smirk as sparrow playfully shoved Percy to urge Percy to answer "yeah yeah you too "she said they feast their delicious lunch as they did chester wondered how his brother and sister going....


aoi was reading her book about demons as Wei read with her she looked at him "sorry but do you mind? "She asked "oh shit sorry it just since we know demons exist....I got know who these guys are "he explained "for what reason may I ask "she asked "so I can know how far I should run from them "he explained she giggled "no cause I'm serious I don't trust these guys one bit this guy! "He rambled as he point at a bird demon "Would definitely serve me up with lemon sauce and spices and turn my insides out!! " he says "and after that he stuffs me like a turkey like he is a cannibal on birds and shit! " he added.

"Most demons don't eat humans for some not anymore "she explained "well yeah BUT LOOK! " he yells pointing at a lion demon "THIS GUYS A LION LIONS HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO ATTACK this guy would hunt me for sport definitely " he says aoi giggled at her brother "well one it says right here he is actually married does that look a killer to you brother? " she asked" wait married? Where the fuck does it say that? " he asked confused she pointed at where it said.

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