Chapter 36

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Aoi was helping wukong pack some stuff up in the temple that he wanted to bring for his vacation she didn't really want him to go but everyone including the great sage deserve some rest besides she knows he would come back maybe like a month or two so her separation anxiety is probably overreacting like it does

anyways after a hour they soon finished packing "whew all done "she says "well kinda there is flower fruit mountain and my other temples but this is good enough "he answered smiling "well would you like me to help you packing up in flower fruit mountain I'm sure it be nice to visit it again" Aoi suggested wukong thinks for a moment he really wants to spend his time with aoi since he doesn't know how long he would see her during his time trying to defeat that wicked bone witch "alright then! Come on let's get this outside and we can quickly fly to flower fruit mountain" Wukong said agreeing to aoi suggestion

they grabbed the bags head outside wukong summoned his somersault cloud and place the bags down and aoi gets on holding onto wukong "alright peaches hang on! "He says smirking and the two dash to flower fruit mountain aoi smiled looking at the sight she has been getting used to the somersault cloud although still gets anxious due to how fast it gets after afew minutes they made it and they landed near one of the hidden entrances they get in and walk into the hidden village and forest inside "ah...home sweet home "wukong said taking a deep breath

the two walk to wukongs cabin while also saying hello to some of the monkeys in the cave who say hello to their king and his guest soon the two get to the cabin wukong puts the bags down and goes to open the only get dose with water Aoi gasp wukong takes a deep breath and takes the bucket off "hey aoi I think maybe you should explore more of the cave since there are parts you haven't explore "wukong says trying to not sound angry and trying to hold the urge to not throw the bucket

"you sure? "Aoi asked "don't worry since you been seen by me the place is safe for you trust me no one in this cave won't hurt you "wukong explained putting it down about to walk "you may even meet some of my pals! The people who live her extra extra anyways I'll be right back my wildflower! "He said and kisses aoi cheek "love you "he added and then after he left the entrance he quickly ran to look for rinrin to yell at her for pulling her little pranks on him.....again

Aoi looks back and just shrugs and decided to go explore like wukong suggested she goes out of the cave and decided to go look around the village and who knows she may say hi to sun da in the meantime as she walks to the path way to the monkey village she sees sun da isn't there probably in the temple she goes to continue on the walk down to the village seeing the beautiful view she smiled but stopped noticing a strange pathway curious she walks to it

it was pretty dark but soon she saw light she walked to it and she gets out then and sees leaf's and she realized she was outside this must be one of the new passage ways she should go back in but she stops hearing a hoo noise she turns to see a owl from what she could tell it's a eastern grass owl it stared at her for a moment and hoo again before flying away she guessed it wanted her to fellow she run to fellow the owl as it fly to the cave where it had the creepy sign she stopped in her tracks

rinrin told her in her last visit to not go there she turns to the owl who was staring at her "I...I'm sorry I can't really go in "she says "you don't need to miss "she heard she quickly turn to see those red eyes staring at her again the owl flies in the cave as the eyes stared at her aoi felt nervous at the eyes "I told susu to bring you here to.....apologize for my staring from your last visit it's was rude for me to stare "she explained with a monotone voice "it just that it had been years since I saw a human around here I forgotten what they looked like "she added

"oh it's alright then "Aoi says still abit nervous "I...I am aoi you? "She says "....yuebei....I'm yuebei "she said Aoi blinks this is one of wukong kids but why is she dangerous she just sounds very formal and polite just sounds abit creepy with the emotionless voice "and I have heard of you aoi i heard some of my father subject talk about you and his new student MK "she explained Aoi nodded worried as the eyes stared at her intensely but as reading her emotions she sighed "there is no need to be afraid miss as your my fathers mate I won't attack or kill you I don't attack anything that is in my family or is friends with my father "she spoke susu does a hoot as if confirming her claim "well that's good to know "Aoi says gently

she waits for a moment "would you like to come out onto the light I can't really see you "she asked yuebei paused for a moment but sighs "I am sorry miss but no I don't go out in the daytime "she said declining the offer aoi frown but seems to get why she doesn't want to go out in the sunlight"oh alright well alright if it makes you feel comfortable "she says yuebei looks at aoi "I suggest being careful around here miss it can be dangerous at times since there is demons that don't Hesitate to harm someone well unless they know you are friends with my father he maybe more kind nowadays but it doesn't mean he isn't still one of the most powerful demon around here and they know damn well what happens to those who hurt people he cares about "she says Aoi nodded "alright then "aoi said

"well I better be off bye "Aoi says and walks off yuebei stares at her for a moment susu hoots "yeah I agree....she is one strange human I ever seen....things must have change a lot in the mainland....sadly it will change soon due to the winter witch..."she spoked to her owl susu hoots again "yeah....let's go back inside susu it is time for us to rest "she says as she backs up going deeper into the cave to sleep....

aoi walked around not realizing she accidentally got lost while chasing susu so she tries to retrace her steps as she does she sometimes sees the small monkeys greeting her and continue off playing as she went deeper and deeper into flower fruit mountain she then made it to a new waterfall that she has never seen before it was abit foggy but not to foggy to the point you couldn't see anything she looked around the place knowing she may have to wait until someone she knows can come and find her she sighed and sits down next to a tree and leans on it and rested her eyes waiting.....

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