Chapter 61

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(Hey guys a new update I have a co author who you may known as little bean who did some path of hope spin offs that are canon to the book please be nice to her (also side not the writing and pov has updated once again) )

(I am here! I'm Little Bean aka the new co-author of this story. I am here to help the Word Weaver aka Ice with their amazing work. Treat us well please and remember we're people too. Anyways, please enjoy this chapter and I love reading your comments.)

After speaking with Aoi, Sun da had decided to try talking to Aoi's companion. Or at least apologize to him for scaring him. The first step? Finding Wei, which should have been simple, since Wei was unconscious the last time the Two-Tailed Demon of the Sun checked. But it does not hurt to look for him, since Flower Fruit Mountain was rather vast in design, with many places one could get lost if they were not careful. Finding the fella, he walks over, shrinking to a more human height to not frighten him.

"Wei? Can we talk?" He asks, treating Wei like he would treat a skittish animal. Mostly so he doesn't faint for a second time. He knew that fainting that much, could not have been good for the human. Plus the water tiger Lihua would be unhappy if any harm came to their guest, and he didn't want to see Lihua unhappy. Last time that happened, it rained on Flower Fruit Mountain for 4 hours. Great for the flora, not so great for the residents. Took him and Brenna a bit to help calm her back down, and LIhua apologized for losing control for that short a time.

"I sincerely apologize for scaring you. Perhaps, I should properly introduce myself. My name is Sun da. I am the Two-Tailed demon of the East. Father the three. Sun Wukong or as I call him Dasheng. Liuer Mihou otherwise known as Macaque. And Rinrin, my sweet yet chaotic Rinrin. You need not be afraid of me. I' you mortals say, mellowed out. You can thank my wives for that." He says with a little smile. He was trying his best to not scare the human, and was unsure if he was succeeding in that particular task.

wei blinks "w...well nice to meet you uh sir "he said sun da smiled and lift his hand to shake wei shakes it he then helps him up "I heard a lot about you wei your sister talks about you and your brother chester a lot " he explained wei smiled and looked at Aoi "awww sis you care about me and chestnut "he playfully says "of course I do your family "she said.

sun da smiled of the two slibings he looks at wei "well that means you have lots to learn about the world of magic and demons " he said wei laughs then sigh "yeah....I hope there is no homework " he joked Aoi laughed Sun da looks confused "what is this...homework? " he asked wei looks at him "oh you are so lucky "he says sun da gets more confused as Aoi laughs more Sun da sighs and smiled "well whatever homework is I promise there will be no homework "sun da promised wei smile wide "well I guess it won't be bad to have one more human to train "he says wei smiled excitedly.

"so when do we start " he asked "tomorrow "sun da said.

Macaque was in the dojo waiting for Chester. He wanted to see him and talk to him about some things. Waiting around, the shadow simian seemed a bit anxious. Having too many enemies and the ever-present fear that your former employer is in fact alive and well can do that to you. Grabbing a mango, he starts to bite into it. The soft tender flesh of the fruit gave under the pressure of his fangs as the juice coated his clawed fingers. 'Always so messy,' he thought while snacking on the succulent fruit. Once finished, he set the pit and seed aside. No point in making a mess.

"I'm gonna have to buy more fruit.I'm almost out of my favorites. Also some plum mooncakes. Those are good."

He then stopped hearing something he looked to see chester walking out of the shadows "I got some news on the situation of my sister " he said "well well look who showed up so what is this new info my starlight "he asked "my brother wei found out and seems to already infected by the lies" he explained macaque sighed "well then we may have to up your training..." he said chester looks confused.

"you see it's one of the reason I wanted to bring you here "he says chester hums curious "well what is it? " he asked as he walked up to macaque "tell me have you ever heard of....shadow magic? " he asked






Percy was walking around her safe space aka the place she shared with Sparrow and Cody. She seem to have had a bit of a bad insomniac episode. Couldn't seem to fall asleep without having flashbacks of her life of hers. Now that plus just feeling restless due to her more feline existence was rather rough, and caused her to now be wandering around the den.

Walking towards a window, she looks out at the moon. The memories seemed to be coming back more; including an old song. A song she had memorized in the last 800 years, trying to decipher what it meant. Then again Guanyin always seemed to speak in riddles. The one thing the panther demon did not always enjoy about the Goddess of Mercy.

"Come with me. I'll take you now to a place that you fear. For no reason why? Your heart has turned away from me. And I will make you understand. Everything will become clear to you. When you see things through another's eyes," she sang softly before feeling a wetness on her face.

Tears fell from her amber eyes as she started to think of her old life. She had made so many mistakes, and being with Sparrow and Cody made her relive those mistakes. "I...I need to be quiet before I wake the others up. They've never seen me like this, and it's not like I've told them my past in its full tale. I don't even know how they'd react to this...this monster." She murmurs before hearing steps. 'Oh no. Which one did I wake up? It isn't Sparrow? Maybe...,' she thought before calling out, "Cody?"

Cody opens the door "hey Percy you doing ok? " he asked she sighs "I'm.... I'm fine..." she says Cody walks up to her and holds her hand "you know you can tell me anything you're my mate after all " he said she sighs "I know...." She spoke leaning on his shoulder.

"it's gonna be ok you know my moonlight? " he says she nodded he kissed her cheek comforting her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they watch the night sky seeing it's about to rain "can we stay like this for abit...? " she asked.

"of course my lady "Cody said gently as they watched the night sky out of the window.

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