Chapter 38

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Meanwhile were Chester and Macaque are still training....

"you sure this is a way to control my powers ? " Chester asked as stood on one piece of wood on one foot while trying to balance a hot bucket of water his head Macaque was sitting down eating a plum watching chester "trust me this will do the trick " he says.

"As before your powers seem to come out in random when the feel of danger or just plain randomness this will help us make you control your powers better and may even see if you have others " macaque added then he takes another bite out of the plum.

Chester sighed and tries to steady the bucket on his head feeling the hot water touched his skin abit aleast Macaque was considerate of not making it that hot to the pain it hurt just abit uncomfortable.

"besides I have way more learning experience then you " macaque said chester glares at Macaque "well excuse me I didn't spend training to be a warrior who has shadow blending abilities and a purple staff that has spikes in the ends since I didn't know I have powers" chester grumble Macaque chuckled until he stopped his ears twitching abit he turn to the door.

"what? Something wrong? " chester asked confused "yeah just give me a second..." macaque says as he goes into the wall using his shadow blending ability.

chester waits for a second until he gets startled knocking the bucket of head tripping and landing on his ass due to the short scream he takes off the bucket to see someone tripping Chester gasp and runs up grabbing his staff and aimed it at the person face that was covered in a hoodie and scarf.

macaque walks up "seems we have a break in ches "macaque says "wait wait!! Chester is me! " the person says and takes off the scarf and puts the hoodie down to shown it's sparrow "sparrow?! What you doing he...." Chester stopped and looked over to Macaque and back at her.

"heheh uh....I can explain " he says "look I understand I startled you but I had to make sure you were ok after what happened " sparrow says not even bothered by the fact that there is a tall talking demon monkey.

It confused chester abit he wouldn't lie although macaque was glaring at her "how the fuck did you get in here!? " he yelled "the door was easy to lock-pick "sparrow says "I was looking for chester to get some lunch and to talk about what happened to only find he was gone and the only place I could think he would be was here " she says.

chester gets more confused "Also ches when were you gonna tell me your pal was a demon or that you are a demon? " she asked.

which made Macaque confused then laughed abit "him a demon? Hahaha look he may have powers but he ain't no demon he doesn't have that sharp of fangs like we demons do " macaque says.

"wait wait why do you sound so calm about this and how did you-" "know he was a demon well I already knew demons exist and he showed signs of being a demon and plus the voice was pretty recognizable I was only startled cause he came out of fucking no where "she explained.

Which made Macaque blink in surprise "wait when the hell did you learn that demons exist?! " he says he knew that demons been into hiding but she clearly has seen a lot demons before if she was this calm cause chester was still abit startled at the beginning of him being a demon.

"I knew since I was 13 or 12 hell my own best friend is part demon himself! " she says shrugging with a smirk "now care to help me up? " she asked chester nodded and help sparrow up he handed her his hand she takes it and gets help up "thanks "she thanked chester and wipes off some dirt.

She laughed abit "so what happened you ches your practically soaked in water! " she says chester then remembers the wet clothing that sticked to his own skin and the wet hair "ah shit " he says "towel cabinet next to the bathroom stalls " macaque said already knew chester may wanna dry off after that.

"thanks " chester thanked Macaque and walked away "as he is off I think we need a chat " macaque says looking at sparrow who had a smirk on her face.

"Ah Alright macaque right? Can I call you Mac for short? "She asked "no " macaque answered bluntly "ok Mac " she says ignoring him saying no.

As Macaque could see she is really not taking this seriously she must be either very brave or pretty stupid or she must be really used to demons to the point she treats them as if they are her kind.

"anyways I just wanna say I'm sorry for breaking in I just making sure chester was ok " she explained Macaque sighed "well you must care for him a lot " he answered "of course but I do have to ask something before you want to chat whatever " she asked "seriously? " macaque says grumpy.

"it just a quick question "she answered "fine " he mumbled "so anyways are you the Sixed eared Macaque or just a another monkey demon named Macaque that also has six ears since I seen your shadow thing had sixed ears " she asked Macaque flinched "yeah so what "he answered.

"Just making sure I don't get confused " she says Macaque glares at her "look I don't know what your planning but I am trying to teach chester how to control his magic "he explained sparrow chuckled "and I wanna help with that " she says Macaque then begin to burst out laughing as if he heard the most hilarious joke in his life "you help!? What can you possibly do? "Macaque asked while trying to contain his giggles and laughs.

sparrow stares at him with unamused expression but smiles and lifts her own hand and with a snap of her own fingers fire appeared Macaque blinks shock and looks at her "I have secrets and skills of my own shadow boy and I think chester would appreciate the help of two people who are pretty skilled with magic " she answering his question.

Macaque looks at her seeing her now amused smirk he stares at her for a moment until sighed "fine but don't get any ideas " he said "thank you I'm glad we can have this chat " she says.

"hey guys I'm ba- HOLY SHIT SPARROW YOUR HAND IS ON FIRE!! " chester yells in shock as he came back "oh I know it's fine it's natural " she says "NATURAL!? " Chester yells being confused sparrow laughs and goes to explain why her hand is on fire and she would be also helping chester with his powers.

macaque although was now in his own mind thinking of how to improvise with his plan now since sparrow just got in the picture.

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