Chapter 10

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The injuries were still on macaque's body when he woke up, they haven't gone away or healed that much yet. The bandages Chester put on his body were itchy and irritating, he wanted to rip them off, so he began to. He used his pointer finger to swiftly slice off the one on his torso, catching the unwanted attention of Chester.

"Macaque, don't take the bandages off," Chester stated as he leaned against a drooping tree. Macaque just rolled his eyes, annoyed with Chester. "My injuries are healed, I can take them off," macaque informed with slight venom in his voice. Chester gave him a short look before sighing noticing the slightly bleeding slash on his torso which he just revealed.

Macaque flinched once Chester came closer, close enough to apply another bandage to his torso.

"Hey, don't touch me!" Macaque spat and backed away a bit. "But macaque, you're bleeding?! What if it gets infected and something bad happens to you!" Chester retorted. Macaque looked away a slight bit, "why do you care? I'll be fine anyways," macaque snapped back. Chester rolled his eyes a bit and put the bandages down as they both sat in silence. Macaque looked around to try and lower the tension for himself, he looked up at a tree and saw a crow, but something felt off about it.

Macaque stood up, using his good leg to keep him steady. "Macaque? You should really sit down," Chester suggested with worry but macaque ignored him. He limped all the way up to the tree and leaned against it for support. He looked up at the branch the crow was standing on and it seemed to stare at him. They both stared at each other as if it were a staring contest until the crow flew over to the tiny puddle of water.

Macaque inspected it as it stepped into the water, it seemed to look over at macaque as it did, not at Chester at all. Macaque limped over to the little puddle and sat in front of it, the crow used its beak to get some water on macaque. It surprised him, but he just chuckled. "Alright, go on," macaque said as he shooed the crow away with his hand. The crow had pecked his hand once and then flew away.

Chester went over to macaque with the bandages. "That sure was a cool crow," Chester stated and macaque nodded. "Yeah, it was," he mumbled quietly, too distracted with his thoughts to realize Chester put the bandage back around his torso. "There you go!" Chester exclaimed quietly to match macaque's tone at the moment. Macaque looked at the brand new bandage around his torso, "you didn't have to put this bandage on me I hope you know that," macaque stated with a small chuckle whilst Chester just shrugged. "Just looking out for a friend," Chester said with a small smile. "Yeah, ok," macaque responded and laid down on the grass.

The two of them lay on the grass next to each other until they both caught a glimpse of the crow from before flying over them. It was different from other one's, maybe a rare breed?

it could be Although as macaque thought of the crow it feels weird to him somehow Like a familiar aura around the crow well whatever it was It's gone now....

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