Chapter 32

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aoi is visiting wukongs temple cause they are preparing for tomorrow which was New Year's Eve the two where pretty much excited "now where do you think should we sit? "Aoi asked looking around "well I have a suggestion "wukong answered he lead her to a cliff which had a beautiful view of the city "woah..."she says surprised wukong smiled "I thought this spot would be perfect place for us to have our little date "he explained.

aoi smiled "it is a beautiful spot "she said wukong smirk "yup but well not as beautiful as you peaches "he says Aoi blushes and smirked "you dork "she said giggling "yup oh I forgot I should also mentioned something "wukong says remembering "you may have to wait abit when we have our date since MK training tomorrow it will be a short lesson though "he explained "well that's alright I don't really mind "she answered wukong sighed of relief "ah good "he says.

"Anyways since we have a perfect spot I better head off I do need to tell my brothers and also maybe even get snacks "she said wukong smirked "good idea besides I do need to set up some things for tomorrow "he agreed he summoned his somersault and got on he help aoi on and the two went off to the forest entrance wukong puts her on the ground she give wukong a kiss on the cheek he blushes smirk widens "well I will see you tomorrow peaches "he says "yup goodbye wukong "she says and walks off wukong quickly heads back to the temple as aoi went back to the city she sees people are preparing the last finishing touches for the parade and news year's tomorrow.

she head back home she goes in and went up the stairs and heads to her apartment she goes in to see Chester and Wei already decorated "all done! Thanks for your help chester "Wei thanked "of course I know I won't be spending on news years but it's the least I can do " Chester says "anyways I better head off to sparrows I promised her that I would come over "Chester said stretching "well tell her I said hi "Wei asked "of course "Chester says he was about to walk out until he sees aoi "heading off? "She asked "yeah I am I hope you don't get lonely without me have a nice New Years sis "he say's jokingly and walks out she waves bye and closed the door.

"so what's with the decorations I never seen you used this many "she questioned "oh a party bao is doing I offered he could use my house to hang out oh speaking of which do you wanna join in? "He asked "no thanks I already have something to do I'm gonna hang out with my friend for New Years tomorrow I plan to go buy some snacks and a outfit it I hope you don't mind "she answered "no no not at all "Wei said although he did kinda of mind he knew his brother and sister had their own things to do for New Years but he kinda wished he could spend it with them.

"I hope you have fun by the way "he added "of course bye Wei! "She says and walk to her room she goes threw her closet to look for a outfit it took her awhile until she found one it was a black faded to red tank top with a logo of a arrow and some brown shorts and a small green jacket unlike her usual one it was way more shorter and thinner and some black boots with small socks with black and white stripes.

she place it next to her bed great now she has to go get some snacks for tomorrow she goes and grabs her wallet and heads out of her room and head outside to get shopping for food.


Chester walks into sparrow apartment and knocks on her door she quickly opens "well what up dude! "She greeted "heya sparrow mind if I come in? "He asked "yes come in come in "she answered he goes in sparrow went to close the door while Chester had a good smell hit his nose "I already some cooked dinner you want some? "She asked "yes "he said she goes to the kitchen and he goes to the small dinning room and sits down he sees sparrow holding two bowls "dinners is served "she says and hands him the bowl he sees it's soup "what soup is this? "He asked "it's called the three sisters soup it has corn squash and beans it's a really good soup "she explained he grabs the spoon and takes a bite it was indeed delicious "it is pretty good! "He says sparrow smiled "glad ya like it dude "she said and the two begin to feast on the soup

although as they ate chester notice that the place isn't really decorated for New Years "you not a New Years fan? "He asked "no it's....the fireworks they can tend to be too loud for my liking "she explained rubbing the back of her neck "I can understand I am not much of a fan of fireworks either "he agreed she looked at him and smiled.

"Well glad to know there is someone I can relate to on that most of the people I know Loves fireworks I don't really get it honestly they are basically like bombs but for the sky that makes loud noises like do you want your eardrums to be blown or something? "She complained chester laughed gently smiling "yeah I get that like sorry but I want to keep my hearing instead of willingly hearing the thunders of a firework "he joked the two laughed and sparrow sighed but frown "it's gonna be hard not spend it with my sis "she says chester held her hand "hey it's gonna be alright I am sure she wished she could spend it with you and we do have to make the most of things right? "He asked she smiled gently "yeah...and aleast I don't have to be alone in this New Years right? "She says he nodded "yup " he said the two talked for abit and after that continue to eat their dinner before it got cold.







although unknown to the city the figure from before was sitting one of the roof waiting for the same person they sighed knowing they have to wait till the New Year's Eve come they have to know if she is actually back and that their magic was playing mind tricks of them although they didn't mind waiting their father did once said all things good comes to those who wait....

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