Chapter 25

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Wei opens the doors to see the destruction outside " is it safe? " hong asked he nodded "yeah I think so God that shit was terrifying..." he answered and walked down the steps feeling the rain still hitting hard And heard thunder sounds in the distance.

wei looks and sees some broken buildings and such wei thinks for a minute and decided it was time to leave "I better go" Wei answered "you think your gonna be ok I mean your injury..." hong trailed wei stared at the injury at his arm when one of those water creatures attacked him out of nowhere "It's fine See you later? " he asked she nodded.

wei walks away hearing the sirens of ambulances and people talking in the distance as the rain hit hard on his once dry skin he held his arm and walk to his apartment Fortunately it didn't seem damaged but the door was broken he looked in and sees the entrance was abit trashed abit he looked around and walked in hearing the creaking floorboards.

His boots trailed wet footsteps as he goes up the stairs he slips abit but luckliy grabbed the railing and sighed in pain as he had to grabbed it with his injured arm and go upstairs and head into the apartment and close the door he took off his boots and jacket and went to grab the first aid kit supply he sits down and looks at the injury it looked like a ugly scar would form he goes and cleaned the blood from his arm getting a better look of it was almost near his hand.

He felt like he was gonna puke seeing the sight he shakily sigh " can do this..." wei mumble to himself and begin to stitch it as he put the first stitch in he screamed abit in pain "FUCK!! " he yelled whimpering tears forming and begin to stitch it slowly panting after that he sighed of relief to see it was stitched up he cut the extra string and grabbed the bandages and wrapped his arm around the scar and quickly put away the supplies and sit down leaning back rubbing his head with his none injured arm.

He sighed this is one of the worst Octobers ever He just hoped Aoi and chester are having better luck....


"there all done " chester panted after the intense clean up macaque rubbed the back of his neck silence filled the room as macaque look around looking for the clock "What time is it...? " he asked "probably lunch we should get something to eat...although I don't know how your gonna get food since well...." Chester trailed as he gesture to macaque appearance macaque smirked and chuckled already getting what chester meant.

"You know every demon has its secrets " he says then a purple flash and chester sees instead of the black furred monkey it was a normal man with the same tan skin with black hair tied up in a ponytail and a small beard with side burns.

chester felt his face heated up and look away "so shall we head off for lunch then? " macaque asked chester nodded and the two walked out of the dojo chester peeked and see that macaque outfit was also abit different it was more modern then the usual traditional outfit macaque wears he probably guessed it was to blend in more.

the two walked seeing abit of the destruction of what happened some buildings where destroyed and there was some ambulance sirens in the back and it still rained chester notice the convenience store and he checks his wallet he looks at macaque "so what do you want? it's on me " he asked.

"just a plum " macaque answered "ah ok wait here" chester says and goes in after collecting snacks and some drinks he pays and comes out with a bag of food "alright let's head back " chester said and macaque nodded and the two head back to the dojo.


Aoi and wukong are currently watching some movies on aois phone although it wasn't so peachy Aoi notice wukong has been gobbling with his hair implying he is still worried about what happened with MK.

"want me to go check on him? " Aoi asked gently wukong comes back to reality "what? " he says confused "do you want me to go check on MK? " she repeated her question wukong smiled gently and nodded slowly she rubbed his cheek "alright I will be right back " she said and gotten up and head to the living room to see MK is awake "Hey MK " she says rubbing her arm "Oh! Hey Aoi...w..what happened? " he asked "you where in a fight with a demon and wukong had to go help How are you feeling? " Aoi answered "eeeh....not good psychically everything feels sore but emotionally I'm fine! " he answered she sighed in relief.

"well that's good I will go tell wukong that your awake just don't move much " she says and goes to wukong to see he is still fibbling with his hair.

"Wukong? " she called out gently He noticed her "Hey! Aoi peaches your back MK ok? " he asked trying to have a positive look she nodded "he also awake now " she added he smiled with a look of relief he got up and quickly goes to the living room she follows him wukong sees MK "hey monkey king " MK says as he tried to get up abit "Kid! " wukong says happily and quickly hugged him relieved that he was alright.

MK looks startled and was abit surprised at the sudden hug but Aoi rolled her eyes wukong pulled away chuckling abit "sorry I'm just...glad your ok " he says MK smiled "yeah...I'm sorry I couldn't defeat that guy I tried but he was too fast and-" "MK it doesn't matter if you couldn't defeat him Your alive and that's what matters " wukong said MK smiled abit wukong sits next to MK "although speaking of that Guy do you know anything about him I never seen him before and he was talking about looking for something you know what it is? " wukong asked.

MK shakes his head "He first thought I was you though and thought I was lying when I said I wasn't " MK said wukong hummed listening "he also mentioned his father Saying he told stories to him of how you like to play games? " MK added.

Well that was a clue so it seems that the persons father may have known wukong or has heard a lot about him "anything else about his father like a name? Or...? " wukong asked MK shakes his head "No he honestly didn't speak much to me but he did seem to be looking for something " MK says.

"well if that's the case It's best you stay down and rest bud If this person is looking for whatever it is It can't be good " Wukong said patting MK back "I will go look for it " wukong added "but I can help though! " MK says "MK I know but after what happened I don't trust a fiber on my body of what that guy is planning and I don't want you to get injured like that again "wukong explained.

MK sighed and look away Abit frustrated wukong sighed "Anyways we should get something for you to eat a battle like that must have been draining " wukong says getting up Aoi nodded and two walk out of the room and head to the kitchen to find some food for MK.

MK looks at the entrance of the kitchen hearing Aoi and wukong chatting He looks down and at his hands remembering the battle He clutched his fists He doesn't want to Go rogue and do things himself again but He doesn't want to let anyone down he doesn't want to let his Mentor down once he gets his strength back up he is gonna figure out what's going on and who that mysterious figure is one way or another.

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