Chapter 55

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Wei is looking threw his computer to see if there are any trips he could take for a vacation with his brother and sister cause they needed to relax especially from all the drama.

he sighs seeing nothing he thinks for a moment maybe he can ask MK besides it was almost lunch so he can stop by at pigsy's noodles he gets up and heads out seeing Aoi and gabby talking "well alright I- Oh wei! " Aoi says noticing wei.

"hey don't mind me I am just heading out " Wei explained getting his boots on "oh ok then see you later then? " Aoi asked wei nodded and opens the door and leaves the apartment not before closing the door and locking it he heads downstairs and heads outside he gets his keys from his pocket and goes into his truck.

He turns the car on and plays some music on the radio and drives to Pigsy's noodles as he drives he sees people cleaning up the dumpling goop from that giant dumpling the strong scent of it filled the air it made him miss the fresh air.

he sighs as he drive he quickly stops seeing pathway is closed he smack his head on the steering wheel "Shit..." he mumbled he sighs just great....

he stopped hearing a sound he looks back up to see a crow on the truck staring at him he blinks he looks confused at the crow he honks at it but surprisingly it doesn't flinch or even fly away he blinks "wow your pretty brave little thing "he said to himself.

the bird stares for a moment and turns it's head in a direction wei looks confused looks where it was staring it was that mini museum that Aoi and chester talked about.

and MK little The thing he rides is there it was like....the crow knew he wanted to asked MK of any suggestions of where he should go he turns back to the crow but see it was gone he looks around like the crow just vanished creepy....

Well he guessed he can go see this museum he takes a turn and goes to drive to it he parks it and leaves his truck and goes out he walks out and heads in the museum seeing.

A girl was doing tricks with a pencil as a gecko was sleeping on the counter "um hello? " wei says she looks up "oh hello " she says sitting up "welcome to the littlest museum out of all megapolis where you can buy some ancient artifacts or listen to tales with a small price! "She says.

"oh um I am here to meet up with a friend MK is he here? " wei asked "oh yeah he is just listening some tales with my boss luohou " she said wei thinks for a moment "you can join if you want since well MK mostly stays here for hour or two " she says.

wei thinks for a moment "alright then! "Wei said and pays her "besides it's pretty rude to just come here without anything! " wei added she nodded "fellow me " she says snd lifts her hand down as the pet gecko climbs on her and goes into a pocket in her jacket they go in a room.

Wei sees MK and louhou chatting "and with his mighty sword he destroyed the army defeating the third lotus prince Nezha " louhou said.

"hey louhou sorry to bother you but you got another costumer who will like to hear some tales! " the girl said louhou turns seeing wei "oh why thank you for telling Gloria " he says MK turns and smiled seeing wei "Oh mr wei! I didn't expect to see you here! " MK said.

"yeah I hope you guys don't mind if I join the party! " Wei asked walking up to the two "of course! My friend we don't mind at all! " luohou answered.

wei smiled "so what are we talking about? " wei questioned "we are talking about the story of the two tailed demon or known as the sun of the east and his battle of the third lotus prince Nezha " he explained "oooo wow " wei says.

luohou begin telling tales to the two curious man of ancient China it seem to be going well....until.....

wei notice a case that has a rock painted with something in it "hey what is this..? "Wei asked confused luohou looks at it "oh that is one of the battles of the great sun wukong and his enemies " Luohou explained wei looks back at it.

it feels so....familiar like he seen this before "hey Mr wei are you ok? " MK Asked wei blinks coming back to relate "huh what what's happening?! " wei snaps panicking "Woah woah hey it's ok you just been silently staring at that painting looking pretty stressed " he said.

wei rubs his head "ah sorry it just for some reason....this painting gives me....deja vu " he explained the two look at him worried wei laughs nervously "sorry that sounded pretty stupid " he apologized "no no no it's ok we were just worried "luohou explained.

"ah Al....alright..." wei trailed off staring at the painting he doesn't know why but it's giving him some anxiety "l...listen I need to go like right now " wei says "are you ok? " MK asked "i-I'm fine I'm totally fine just...just need to get home fast alright see ya " wei says and quickly speed walks and heads to his car heavily breathing.

what's going on with him? he having an anxiety attack for what reason!? Was it random? He better head home quickly then he starts his car and puts some calming music on and drives home....

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