Chapter 33

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Aoi watched the powerful god and demigod train She was stranded far enough so she doesn't really get hurt "come on I barely broken a sweat! " MK says filled with pride "battles is no place to be arrogant gotta stay humble " wukong Said "Says you! " MK yelled as the two fight.

But during training wukong was near the cliff he looks at MK who was about to land a hit "Who's gonna be humble now!? " he says with confidence wukong stared for a sec and smirk and then jump putting his foot on the end of the staff "still you " he answered and kick it back to the rocky wall the rocks being to fall down "oh boy " MK said before he gets crashed in the rock pile as the monkeys quickly ran to Aoi tackling her to the ground avoiding the rock slide.

wukong lands and smiled gently seeing the monkeys holding onto Aoi "sorry about that " he apologized he looks back at the rock slide and got MK out Aoi couldn't pay attention due to trying to get up after being tackled to the ground many small monkeys.

"class dismissed! " wukong says he walks over to Aoi and helps her up the monkeys get off of her carefully and head back to roof the two walk to the cliff she heard MK talking but she got abit distracted by putting the snacks down she cracked a smile abit seeing wukong threw a small pillow at MK right she remembered that wukong suggested the idea of MK joining them watching the fireworks which she didn't mind "HEY! " MK yelled but stopped seeing Wukong preparing the place with using his pieces of his hair to form stuff.

Wukong sits next to Aoi " long have you been preparing this? "MK questioned surprised wukong glances at MK smirking "come on its new years bud let's watch some fireworks " He asked inviting MK to join him and Aoi.

MK rubbed the back of his neck "I would love to but I should really get back friends " he says Wukong just shrugged and turn back to view of the city MK thinks for a moment until smiling and sits down next to the other side wukong "sure " he says.

the three ate and waited for the fireworks.


Chester and sparrow where walking around the city as sparrow had blue Jay in her bag they where on their way to get some noise killing headphones so they don't have to hear the fireworks but also chester needed to make a quick stop at somewhere he knows.

"So where exactly is this place we are going after we get those headphones? " she asked "a friend of mine I wanted to say a happy new year to him and see if he needs some headphones just in case he doesn't like the loud fireworks like us "chester explained sparrow rolled her eyes "well alright so who is this friend of yours? " she asked having some questions.

"well you know the bandages and scars i have? Yeah that's the guy who give me those he has been training me self defense " chester explained she chuckled "Yeah Definitely as I could see I bet he is making sure your prepared for any fight "she joked although chester kinda got nervous at that since it was what he was training for to help Macaque fight wukong to save his family and the world from the monster.

they as they talked more they made it to the store chester went in and looks for the noise killing headphones once he does he payed for three of them "have a nice new year! " the Register says "you too" Chester said back he went out and handed headphones to sparrow "thanks dude " she says blue Jay pops his little head out curious of the world around.

"ay ay Jay don't even think about it " sparrow says noticing blue jay the cat yawns abit "anyways let's go " chester said catching sparrow attention the two walked to Macaque place as they talked " also I should mention don't expect to really meet him He well....isn't really much of a social person around new people "chester explained kinda trying to hide the fact Macaque is a Sixed eared demon monkey that is a warrior.

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