Chapter 13

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Wei was sitting in the family room his brother and sister haven't been talking to each other since the argument from last week he still think that they were overreacting over a fictional character he currently trying to think of what to do for them to a-least talk to each other again he gasp thinking and idea he got up and knock on chester door but to no answer "it's me Chester! " wei answer he heard shuffling and the door opens he sees that Chester had his ponytail off letting his hair loose he had PJs on "what is it? " he says with a sound of irritation in his voice "well we need to do something Which yes includes Aoi and don't think of pulling those Excuses mister we both are On our day off Aoi isn't visiting her new friend today due to her explaining That he was busy " wei said with a smirk

Chester sighs "and what do I get out of this? " he ask wei smirk "oh I don't know...maybe We can have Musical movie night like you been waiting for! " Wei said with a smug attitude

Chester gasp happily but quickly clears his throat and looks away " Alright then I will go get ready " he says and closes the door and wei hums a song and knocks on Aois door "Aoi it's me wei open up! " wei calls out he hears his sister walk up but doesn't open the door wei frowns abit but sighs " me and Chester are going out we like you to come too! " wei explained

No response

wei smile gently as he heard shuffling he sighs and goes to get him ready himself he gets his rock Gear on him he looks at the mirror showing his abit tangled hair with his piercings shining abit

he went and brushes his hair and puts it in a ponytail showing and quickly went out seeing Chester and Aoi all ready but the two aren't looking at eachother and was clearly waiting for Wei they notice him "well took ya long enough " Chester says

"thank you thank you " wei says in a playful way "now come on my Two guards let us Go in a adventure! " wei then adds and walks like a soldier from the stories they read as children the two follow to wei to his truck the two got in

soon wei enter in and started to drive around the city "so what do you guys wanna do we can see if like the comic store has one of those comics you read Chester what was it called again....uh.....Oh fables! Right basically the fairytale characters live in our world pretending to be us! Is that right? " wei asked

"yup I'm actually wondering what the next part is gonna be " Chester asked staring out the window "Oh how about we also go for some hik-" "NO please I don't feel like that " Chester cutted out wei reminding him of what happened in the forest Of trying to save Aoi from....him....

Chester has to admit From the stories he heard and the adaptions wukong was More terrifying in person Even without his staff he was still a force to not anger...

"Uh....ok? If you say so " wei says sounding worried but doesn't want to bother Chester with it "What about we oh! How about we go Help Bao in abit he needed to get help to The temple " wei explained

"sure we haven't seen Bao in awhile! " Aoi says with a smile "alright! But we don't really need to go right away Since it's still to early for him to go so we can hang out abit! " wei suggested

the two nodded and soon stop at the comic and games Store that just open up today

The three enter in and sees a man cleaning the table he notice wei and waves wei waves back smiling Abit knowing the guy already same goes with Aoi and Chester they wave back

But quickly chester goes to look at the comics as Aoi walks off while wei went to the counter "Hey Wei old friend it's nice to see you again " The man said "Hello Duyi it's been along time since I seen you! " wei said

remembering his old friend from high school and well was his boyfriend until the duyi had to move back to his home country China

"yeah you change a lot I barely recognized you! " duyi explained as he adjusted his glasses "same goes with you it seems you actually got the comic store you always wanted " wei says with smirk "Well it wasn't how I imagine it but it's better then nothing " duyi said rubbing the back of his neck

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