Chapter 22

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Aoi walks down the sidewalk hearing the busy town some people passing by she notice the shop duyi has she goes in "Oh hello Aoi! " he says, smiling. "what are you doing here? " he asks, "I just came to visit a old friend hope you don't mind? " she asked. "no not at all! besides it gets lonely besides not much customers came by! " he explained.

Aoi smiled "so how things been? " he asked "oh real good! " Aoi says "things has been amazing for the last two days " Aoi added smiling rubbing the choker duyi smiled gently "That's great also how's your brothers? " he asked "Wei is been great although chester has been....distant to say " she said frowning.

duyi frowns worried "really? Why? " he asked "well I'm not sure but ever since our argument he has been acting different " Aoi says worried duyi pat her shoulder "well hey I'm sure he is gonna be fine! He may wants space because of what happened and it's perfectly normal! " duyi said smiling.

"so He is gonna be ok? " Aoi asked still sounding worried "Of course i mean I have known him since we were kids! " duyi said Aoi smirked " I know I was there too " she said.

duyi laughs abit "Anyways- Oh shit! I just remembered something Important I am gonna have to go do something it will take pretty long to do sorry " duyi says heading to the back " it's fine! Bye " Aoi says waving bye duyi waves bye and goes into the backroom Aoi sighs and goes out and Continues on her walk....


Chester gets thrown into a wall he pants and looks up at macaque who smirked "Not bad for a beginner " macaque said as he walked up to him chester wipes off the blood of his nose "Well says the guy who can easily kick my ass " chester says with a smile macaque rolled his eyes and help chester up.

Chester could see he was very bruised and had a bloody nose "we should bandages these up " macaque suggested "I'm fine " Chester said looking up "says the guy who has a bloody nose and bruises all around him " macaque repiled with ah really face Chester rolled his eyes and goes to sit down and grabs the bandages and begin to tend to his training wounds macaque sits down next to him and drinks a bottle of water.

Macaque after taking a sip he takes a deep breath and sees Chester bandaged his wounds only leaving a few bruises there and there he hands Chester the water bottle Chester grabs it and chugs it down and after he did some of the water drops down from his mouth and he panted heavily due to the intense training session " I have to say you did pretty good for the first day even landed a few punches but You have to learn to keep up with my attacks and to counter them and have way better stamina " Macaque explained Chester smirked "thanks for the advice Oh great wise ass master macaque " Chester teased macaque laughed abit "hah fuck you too " he said jokingly the two laughed Abit.

Then silence as the two relaxed Chester looks at macaque "I am impressed that your not even out of breath from that " Chester says breaking the silence "I have very high stamina it takes awhile to get me exhausted from battles " macaque said "plus I been in a lot of battles so yeah " macaque added "ah I see " Chester said and looks around "so how long have you had this dojo? " Chester asked "For awhile I think for afew years I had it " macaque answered leaning on the seat relaxing.

chester takes another sip of his drink still feeling sweaty he wipes some of it off and relax abit after awhile macaque pat his shoulder "alright come on We aren't done with training yet " macaque says "why I'm I not surprised " Chester chuckled and got up ready to get his ass beat again.


Aoi was exploring the city until she sees a shop she never seen before it was called the ancient artifacts museum and shop she goes in and sees it's small when she enter in due to it being called a museum she sees a Man with dark brown hair and a small beard reading a book he looked up noticing Aoi "Oh! Hello new costumer welcome to the shop or well museum depending why your here " He greeted smiling "Oh well I just came to check the place out sir I never been here before " Aoi says.

"Oh please Just call me luohou Miss and it's alright there is a first time from everything! You Can buy something or Look at the ancient artifacts and hear their tales! With a small price! " He asked "Really? " Aoi says surprised "Yup! " he said.

Aoi thinks about it and puts some of her money "I think I will like to look at some ancient artifacts " She asked "Great! Fellow me and I will take you to the Entrance to the museum " he says getting out of the desk she could see he was wearing a Chinese blue robe that you see in old movies he seem to be old school despite his dyed tips of rainbow blue style colors.

"Gloria Your turn! " he called out "coming boss! " Aoi heard and sees a Woman come out of the curtain she was black colored skin with red hair with a golden piercing on her nose with red colored nails and a Punk rock style she goes and sits down as Luohou leads her to another room filled with glassed cases of Rocks with paintings and old weapons and old armors "welcome to the Gods and warriors museums it has said this stuff are hidden stories of the legends of China " He explained.

"woah..." Aoi says looking around amazed she walked around and notice a painting of monkey king "Oh! You are sun wukong fan? " Luohou asked noticing her staring at it she blushes flinching "Hey no need to be embrassed miss! I have a friend who comes here to listen the tales of the great sage " Luohou says "he goes by the name of MK he is really known due to the Monkie kid thing and What happened in the couple of months " Luohou added "oh yeah I know him he is a good guy! " Aoi said.

Luohou chuckles "yup And he always come here for a sense of wonder hearing tales of wukong or other China tales he never heard of " He says "can you tell me some? " Aoi asked "Oh of course! Let me think of one....Oh have you heard of one of the first monkey demons Who was born in China? " he asked she shakes her head "Basically he was known as the two tailed monkey One of the most powerful warriors Some say he was the past life of Sun wukong due to their powers and strengths almost matching each other and that it transferred to wukong " Luohou says leading to Aoi a another painting showing a black figure of a monkey with two tails and a spear as a weapon.

"it's been said he had armor that was made of garnets and ruby's and he made his spear out of gold and iron and born from the gems Down below " Luohou says Aoi looks at the painting filled with wonder "most say if you spoke out his real name It would catch his attention and curse you to be one of his prey " luohou explained more in a spooky tone Aoi giggled "huh interesting! " she says.

Aoi then notice a painting it should a black figure of a monkey with red like rain falling down "what's this one about? " she asked Luohou looks at it "Oh that is about the tale of the Feral king It's said long ago when demons walked with men There was this monstrous being called the feral king he was a violent monkey demon who had said to hate the gods themselves and even made the sky rain blood of his enemies it's a very violent and depressing tale " luohou says Aoi looks at the painting again and hummed in curiosity.

"Although it longed said he vanished without a trace Back to his territory in his cave it said that when people when into his home or cave where never seen again And it rained when they disappeared "Luohou added Aoi felt a shiver down her spine hearing that creepy "hey don't worry it just a tale " luohou says patting Aoi shoulder she smiled "it's alright...Oh also thank you Have been very kind! " Aoi says he giggled rubbing the back "Ah no need to thank me I just always swore to be kind to those I come across " he says explaining.

Aoi nodded and continue to look at the interesting mini museum as Luohou explained what they symbolize and their stories she was very interested not much people heard of these tales after she was finished luohou lead her out of the museum she sees the girl name Gloria petting a small pet lizard who was reading a book with her "hello Gloria any other costumers? "Luohou asked "nope boss it's been lonely here as usual right Rico? " she answered staring at the lizard who just stared at the book luohou chuckles.

"anyways it's best I be off now " Aoi says "Well alright' Thank you for coming to shop Miss your always welcome back! " Luohou says Aoi smiled "of course! Goodbye! " Aoi said waving bye "bye bye! " luohou said and aoi left.

although during her walk back home she was still thinking of the tale of the feral king it still sent a chill down her spine it was like hearing a creepy story and it makes you anxious although since she knows demons and gods do exist and that they been attacking at times mostly due to MK she wonder if the feral king may appear soon....hopefully not since hearing the tales of the feral king it doesn't sound good news at all.

she probably just needs to go home and relax maybe even watch afew movies while at it.

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