Chapter 26

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Aoi stayed over the night with wukong since he was still anxious after what happened with MK speaking of MK Wukong suggested that MK needs abit more training which wukong is going over to him "now MK look after what happened with that guy I think it's best we work more harder on training so something like that doesn't happen again "wukong explained MK frowns abit "so does that me more extra days of training? "MK asked "yeah pretty much we could do like half a week or something I don't know "wukong says.

" alright then if you say so "MK says thinking maybe it's also the best "ok good now I need you to still rest I need to bring aoi back home "wukong says getting up "ah alright "MK said wukong goes to aoi "ready to go home?"he asked she nodded the two walk out of the temple aoi looks back at wukong who still seems anxious aoi thinks for abit "hey wukong wanna take a walk before I head back it could clear your mind "she suggest wukong looked at her and nodded "I would like that "he says and then the two walk into the forest silence filled the air as with the sound of nature it was very cloudy today so it wasn't much.

Aoi looked at wukong who still had a sad expression on his face she wished she knew what he was thinking and feeling while wukong even though likes the walk with aoi is still worried about MK he feels so stupid for just thinking MK would be fine since he has his own powers thinking he would win any challenge and it only almost letting MK get killed as he thinks of this longer the more guilt crept in he started to care for MK a lot as the two interact MK was like his own son that he never had and he would hate himself if he let MK get hurt like that again cause he was like....Him.

wukong closed his eyes trying to think happy he doesn't want to remember painful memories from the past after all MK is his own person and he shouldn't only care for him cause he reminded him of someone he knew....

aoi looked at wukong worriedly and gently touched his shoulder he quickly comes back to reality after aoi spoke "wukong are you alright? "She asked wukong gently nodded with a fake smile "yeah I'm fine "he says aoi frowns "you sure? "She asked wukong knows he isn't sure he knew he wasn't fine not after what happened to MK but he still kept his smile "Yup sweetpeach I'm alright just most have dozed off there "he says lying more aoi sighs "alright then but just know you can tell me anything I'm here for you sun "she says rubbing his shoulder.

he nodded "I know "he says the two walked and walked until they see a lake "wanna break? "Aoi suggest as she noticed they where walking for awhile "oh sure "he says and the two sit down hearing the calm water going down aoi looks at wukong noticing he still feels Down his legs where crossed and one of his hands was holding his face leaning on it his tail slowly moving as if it was uncomfortable he looked tensed and thinking deeply aoi wished she could ask what's wrong but he seemed so secretive.

she always knew he was she knows wukong doesn't really let out any info and honestly she knew deep inside that wukong must feel like he is to blame for letting MK in danger she knew that look anytime the feeling you are to blame for something out of your control he didn't ask for MK to get hurt like that after all.

aoi tries to think of something to help cheer wukong up she smiled and looks at him "you know I remember when I was 10 my uncle took me and my brothers fishing once "she says seemingly with a sad smile with the mentioning of her uncle wukong peeks at her "we were at a river I forgot what it was called but it was pretty big we were camping there and Wei suggested we do some fishing we all agreed we got on my uncles boat and we went fishing during it there was this big fish and it caught on Wei's fish hook hehehehe it yanked on it so hard he lost his footing and fell in "she giggled.

wukong cracked a smile "heheheh Wei was so mad he tried to grab the fish cause he was struggling to get some fish since none came to him and he get smacked by its tail when he grab it we had to get Wei out and back to the campsite to get Wei some clean dry clothes and a ice pack for his cheek "she says giggling wukong chuckled " seems bad luck was on his side that day "he said "oh you have no idea how bad it was "aoi said smiling.

wukong seem to be happy just a little bit he sighed as aoi scoots closer to him with a gentle smile he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and the two cuddled while watching the lake wukong looked at her running his hand threw her dark brunette hair as her dark eyes stared at the lake he although his heart ached as he knew she was mortal meaning she may die....he knew that there is the immortal peaches he grown but...what if she said no on the his friends did.

Despite being with the girl with only months he already grown so attached to the girl so much he was genuinely happy for the first time in years The only times he has been this happy was when he was before the mountain and his friends but made both met unfair ends and he doesn't want that with aoi but he knew that wasn't his choice he wished he could tell her all he felt but he knew he couldn't and it made him felt like a coward.

aoi then thought of something " hey wukong I have a brilliant idea! "Aoi says wukong once again snapped back into reality he made a curious hum "so tell me what is your opinions on New Years? "She asked "oh I enjoy New Years especially the fireworks "he says "well since we haven't had a date for awhile and New Years would be coming soon maybe we can have a New Years date? "she asked wukong gasp happily. "You genius! Of course "he says and hugs her she smiled that wukong is now feeling more better from the mention of that idea.

wukong loved the idea of the New Years date with aoi he almost forgotten what he was thinking about...almost...

the two embrace each other gently wukong smiled "anyways we should bring you back home your brothers are probably missing you "wukong mentioned "good point "aoi giggled out wukong summons his somersault cloud and aoi hopped on and quickly head to the entrance to the forest and stopped at it "well here's your stop see you later aoi "wukong says to aoi "see you later "she says as she hops down then wukong leaves heading back to the temple and aoi walks back home.

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