Chapter 16

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Wei is looking threw the channels Looking outside it was rainy today he sighed his brother and sister isn't back yet he was really worried due to recent events he wasn't even sure if it was a good idea of moving to China anymore.

After the missing child report of that missing little girl and the bull demon attack and all the other attacks He just isn't sure what to do anymore he flinches hearing a knock on his door he gets up walking slowly too it feeling anxiety he hesitates of opening the door but he does it slowly and sighs of relief seeing it's just Bao.

he looks at him seeing he looks very worried 'Hello wei how are you? , he signed "not good....Shits been hitting the fan lately a missing child report and the bull demon accident " wei explained gripping the door frame 'Well I was hoping if you like I can bring you to the library I need to rent afew books and I thought you would like to come with! ' bao suggested "Yeah I think I need to be out of the house abit..." wei explained and the two walk out of the apartment.

"now let's get in the truck " Wei said they go in the car and wei started his truck and started to drive to the library bao turn on the radio listening to Some music Wei takes a deep breath trying to drive the place without his anxiety getting the better of him soon they made it to it they go out of the car and wei looks at it Seeing it's pretty big place there were some statues on the roof and a small fence around it "wow this the place? " Wei said Abit surprised Bao nodded crossing his arms "Well I didn't know you were the fancy type " Wei said Bao frowns abit and signs 'Well it was more of a comfort place this place here been Here since I was a child so in any other library I would go here ' Bao signed "ah I see well let's go in then! " Wei said as the two go in they see huge bookshelf's and alot of books.

wei was very impressed Bao smirked and walk forward Wei close the door behind him and followed Bao Wei notice a lady on a front desk writing papers she looks up noticing Bao "Oh Bao old friend I didn't expect you to come here! How are you " She said with a smile 'Hello Hong it's good to see you I just came here and rent a-few books Also can you help a friend out he has been stress lately ' Bao asked "Oh of course! I will show him around and see if there is books for him to like! "Hong agreed smiling Bao smiled 'Thank you Hong' Bao said "Of course now I'm guessing the usual books and reading here? "Hong asked pulling out some books Bao nodded grabbing them and goes to sit down wei goes up "Hello I'm Wei Baos friend " Wei introduces himself "Well nice to meet you Wei I'm Hong the Liberian here "Hong says smiling she gets up and walks out of her desk "Follow me and I will help you find some books! " she said.

The two begin walking around the library "What genre do you like romance? Horror? Fantasy? " Hong asked "I'm honestly not sure " wei said sounding deep in thought Hong frowns already guessing what was going on "Hey it's gonna be Ok You know the place isn't like this it just going Down bad The authorities are trying to figure out what's going on and I'm sure everything would be back to normal " Hong explained "I know it just....I have a brother and sister And I'm just worried that they would get hurt or worse killed...." Wei explained "Ah Don't worry I can understand that I have a twin brother Name Tang and well I worry about him A lot especially during the demon bull family thing "Hong explained trying to Show She understands how Wei.

"It's normal to worry about family But sadly all you could do is be there for them and try your best to help them up when they fall " Hong explained Wei smiled "Thanks Hong "he said she nodded "Anytime! " She says Wei looks around "I'm surprised there is barely anyone here " Wei says "Ah that happens it's common for people being barely here at my library especially when it's a busy week and due to recent events well I'm sure there is people trying to be Safe " Hong explained they then stop Wei looks around "Is there anything you like here? " She asked Wei gasp seeing the Jurassic Park book "What!! No way you got the Jurassic park book it's my jam! " He says walking up to it and grabbing it she smiled "Well do you want it? " She asked he nodded "Alright then come on then I will let you check out " Hong explained they walk back to the desk and Wei checks out the book Bao comes back 'I finished the books I think it's time for us to leave' Bao says smiling "Thanks Hong I hope we meet again! " Wei Said smiling "Me too! " She says 'See you in next lesson in the temple! ' Bao said as he walks off "See you later Bao! " Hong says and Wei and Bao leave the library.

Wei gets in the truck as Bao goes in too "So now what? " Wei asked 'Let's head home' Bao says Wei nodded and drives them back to the apartment when they got there they go out of the truck and head in they go upstairs and to their apartments 'Thanks for accompanying me Wei I hope we can do it again' Bao says "Same to you to! " Wei agreed then Bao goes to his apartment and closes the door Wei goes in to his and locks the door.

he sits down placing the book down and Grabs his phone looking at it and going to messages and texts Chester asking where he is since he should be back home by now and sended it and put it down hoping chester would Reply he guess to pass the time He could read the book and wait for his brother or sister or even both he grabs the Jurassic park book and reads it He hopes That In his gut everything ends well and get back to normal.

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