Chapter 17

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aoi wakes up yawning she looks around and see she is still at wukongs place her mermories slowly flood back right the two had a movie adventure watching those movies wukong likes some of them and hated some but aleast she managed to make sure he didn't throw the popcorn at the TV.

she look at the other side of the couch seeing wukong was asleep snoring she smiles and shakes her head gently she goes to wake him up to only feel his fur she looks surprised it was very soft she never really touched his fur but curiousity invaded her mind as she touch his head rubbing it she didn't expect it to feel so soft like some furry warm blanket.

she felt very relaxed although a part of her knew she might have wake wukong up but she didn't fully realized that he was already awake as he heard her move aoi gasp hearing wukong chuckles she looks and sees wukong with a smile "you know that you should have aleast ask to touch my fur "he said she pulls away "sorry! "She says panicking while blushing he laughs "it's fine don't worry about that" he chuckled out smirking she looks away.

"when did you even wake up aren't you a heavy sleeper?" She asked "ehhh not to long ago kinda wake up feeling you pet my fur "he said "oh shush! Besides you do the same such as lay on my lap " she says he slowly gets closer to her "well it's when I want to besides your lap is very comfortable " he teased aoi blush more he chuckled "I also have to admit you look good with pink " he said smirking aoi glared at wukong embrassed he laughs at her expression "shut up.." she mumbles crossing her arms "no can do " he said she turns her head away he does chuckle "aww what's wrong you know you can't stay mad forever " he said " try me "aoi says wukong scoffs and smirk slowly creeping aoi felt his presence

aoi turns to wukong with his mischievous look already knowing what's gonna happen "wukong no! " aoi says panicking backing away " what why you panicking there is no reason to panic. " he teased "wukong no I know what you are doing don't you dare! " she says hitting the back of the couch he gets ready to pounce "wukong don't! " she says "three Come here! "He says as he pounces at her and begins to tickle her " PFFTHAHAHA-you jerk! Hehehhahaha! "Aoi laughed smiling as she tried to get wukong off her he smirk "you cannot escape the great sage clutches hahaha! " wukong said in a playful matter.

she laughed then aoi smirk gaining a idea she goes to reach to tickle wukong unfortunately he caught this and pinned her hands down and looks at her she was a giggling mess "you think you can tickle me sunshine? Heheheh nice try "he said smirking aoi blushes abit "sunshine is new "she said wukong blinks then smirk blushing noticing he called her sunshine too "you mind? "He asked she shakes her head no "no I don't mind " aoi says.

he helps her up aoi smiled at him the two sit in silence giggling abit "so now what? "She asked wukong thinks for abit and remembered there was something important he wanted to after what happened yesterday "you know aoi I wanna take you somewhere somewhere very important to me " wukong says aoi looks curious and asked "oh? What is it? "

"Well you did said one time that you wanted to see flower fruit mountain " wukong said smirking aoi gasp surprised "really? " she asked wukong nodded "but first breakfast I'm starving " wukong said getting up stretching aoi giggled and nodded and got up today is a big day she is gonna he one of the few mortals to see flower fruit mountain after all....


Chester head back to the apartment to only see Wei sleeping with a book on his face he smirk and sighed now that macaque plan is set he has to wait until macaque gets everything started he goes to his room and sit down he pulled his sleeve out seeing the bandage arm thanks to macaque he sighs about to lay down until he felt something he grabs it and it was one of his old plushies he still kept he smiled it was a old bear he named Koda He always hoped if he ever had children he would give koda to one of them although unfortunately Due to him not being attracted to woman and some people shaming him for being attracted to man he can never really have one but he hope one day he could he placed the plushie down and sighed he should go wake up Wei he got up and walk to Wei and shake him "hey bro wake up "Chester said gently then Wei wakes up violently the book falling off" THE DAMN RAPTOR NO ALAN-" Wei gets caught off blinking Chester laughed "what the hell was that? you having those dinosaur nightmares again? " he asked Wei rolls his eyes "shush it was terrifying stupid raptor..."Wei said frowning with a huff at the end.

chester rolled his eyes "but anyways where were you!? You should have been home hours ago " Wei asked sounding worried "yeah sorry uh....I made a friend and we hanged out for so long I forgot to head home "Chester kinda lied Wei smirks decided to tease his little brother "ohhh a frieeend what's he like? "Wei said smirking Chester thinking he was serious quickly blushes in embrassment and turns to Wei "NOT THAT TYPE OF FRIEND! " Chester said Wei chuckles in a goofy matter "ok if you say so bro " Wei said and turns on the TV until he pauses "wait is aoi back? "He asked Chester shrugged "I thought she was still here " Chester says Wei sighed "not again with her disappearing acts she been doing that a lot lately " Wei says chester frowns already knowing why he wished he could tell Wei but he doesn't want him to get hurt or have Wei to constantly worry "I'm sure she is fine..." Chester said but in his own mind he thinks she isn't if she is with....him....

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