Chapter 58

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Aoi was relaxing in back of the truck as wei drives around looking for a better camping site although Aoi was distracted of thinking what happened back there of that magical child the mysterious roar that the child calls father.

something feels off honestly with that boy and it kinda almost felt and sounded....familiar to her like some deja vu maybe she asked wukong about it?

Or maybe Rinrin or sun da would know what the ominous roar and strange child she has afew theories but she is not sure if this is true or not.

"oh here we are! " wei says as he stops at a perfect spot next to a lake and in the shade "ooooh Nice! "Aoi said the three got out and begin to start up camp chester worked on the campfire and wei and Aoi worked on the tent.

after finished they set up chairs at the camp fire and wei went to get a soda in the truck chester pulls up his guitar and sits down "Ah finally time to relax "he said as he started to tune up his guitar.

Aoi smiled and sit down and pulled up her book she rented out at the library she was about to turn a page until she heard wei yelled "Ah Shit!! " the two turn to see the soda overflowing and got it on some of wei shirt.

Aoi sighs smiling she guess can read the book later "alright alright come on bro Lemme help wash it off " she says as she walks to wei and started to help clean him up


It was currently night now the slibings had a good first start on their little camping trip but Aoi was really wanted to read the book she looked over to her brothers who were also sleeping in the tent wei snoring soundly as chester hold his pillow tightly.

Aoi pulls up her book taking one small deep breath and opens it.

it told the type of immortals that appear in this book






Then it told of what type of demons are in this book






aoi turns to the next page to show the first demon on the list "demon king of confusion or known as king of havoc He is a demon king who took over Mount Huaguo, kidnaps and kills the monkeys while sun wukong is away to learn from Master Subhuti it has been said in stories that he had the power to use tricks and illusions to get what he wanted but he was later killed by sun wukong after the king returned " she read out quietly.

she turn to the next page.

" the spider queen The Spider Queen was the queen and ruler of the spider demons and one of the many demons that fought sun wukong she was known as one of the most powerful demons before sun wukong came she used to be a monarch in the mortal realm until one day, she fought sun wukong after attempting to steal the tang monk but she lost the battle and her empire as a result " she read the next page she flinches though hearing thunder outside she sighs "shit..." she mumbled but curiosity getting the better of her she continued reading.

"Azure lion demon golden winged great Peng and the yellow toothed elephant where the three rulers of Lion camel ridge During the days of primordial the original Phoenix gave birth two children Peacock Mahamayuri or known as peacock wisdom queen and of course the Peng. The Peacock once consumed the Buddha, who however managed to escape via cut her stomach. The Buddha intended to kill the Peacock, however the Deities told him to stop, thus the Buddha promoted her to be his godmother making him his uncle the two lived in the heavens but one day the Peng left and met his sworn brothers the azure lion demon and the golden toothed elephant they were known to have killed among thousands and among thousands of men although they were also defeated by sun wukong none what happened to them but they been presumed dead or sealed far away "she read out.

she continue to read reading every demon until she flinches hearing a yawn "what are you doing? " wei asked tired "oh sorry I'm just reading..." Aoi spoke out quietly wei nodded scoot closer trying to not wake up chester.

he looks over at the book "why that's....some interesting info on demons " wei says trying to be nice but looks very imitated by the drawings of the demons.

"yeah....yeah..." she trailed off wei looks at her frowning "hey Aoi is something wrong? "He asked worried Aoi shakes her head no "i....I'm fine I'm just....I'm missing someone " she said wei sighs and hugs his sister "hey it's gonna be alright you know if you ever want to talk about it you can..." he says in a comfort tone "even if I wanted to I can't's complicated " she explained.

wei frowns but sighs closing his eyes "look if it's a secret you don't need to keep it if it makes you feel like this here I will let out one first cause this one I can't really hold in anymore " he said.

aoi looks confused "wei? " she says " uh just know this will be very hard but I can't hold it Aoi you know how like our uncle used to tell us stories of the tales of heroes and villains and swords and stuff "he asked nervously.

"wei you know I don't remember much from our childhood not after....what happened you know? " she said wei nodded he sighs "soooo at the same day you met hui....I accidentally came across....and your not gonna believe this.....but demons? Heheh..." he says nervously feeling like he would sound like a crazy person Aoi stares at him for a moment and shouted in shock "WHAT!?"

And it cause chester to wake up he grumbles and hits wei with a pillow gently "guysss I don't mind you talking but quiet please...? " he mumbled sleepy and lays back down Aoi stares at wei "what...? " she repeated the question but quietly.

"I know! Basically it's these two knuckleheads called yin and Jin total goofs with a....neutral good hearts? Basically they told me the jade emperor Buddha exist how crazy is that!? " he whispered yelled.

Aoi froze for a moment but wei gets confused "what is that look on your face it almost looks like you.......knew "he trailed off realizing Aoi giggles nervously "surprise..? " she says.

wei blinks in shock and looks down and back at her Aoi sighs "I guess we both have explaining to do..." Aoi said wei nodded and the two begin to explain....

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