Chapter 11

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Macaque sat up, all his injuries had healed. It had been 2 weeks since he first got them, and Chester had stayed with him the whole time. He was still in this opening which had nothing to do, and he didn't want to talk to Chester either since he has been doing that for the past week.

"Uh, earth to macaque? You ok?" Chester asked and swung a hand in front of his eye. Macaque slapped his hand away playfully and gave him a playful smirk. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good," macaque responded. "You know, I could take bandages off now," "will you?" Macaque looked over at Chester with a relieved smile on his face when he nodded. Macaque allowed him to take the bandages off of him.

"You think that crow has a nest around here? It is always around," Chester pointed out and macaque shrugged. That crow reminded him of somebody, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He stared into space as he thought of something, ignoring what Chester was saying.

"Macaque, look!" Chester exclaimed and pointed to the crow playing in the now tiny pond. Macaque snapped out of his mind and looked at the crow, it was playing around in the water. Macaque got up, still having a slight limp but it wasn't as bad as before. He went over to the crow and inspected it, watching its moves intensely. Chester watched as this happened and didn't say anything since he didn't want to disturb macaque or the crow.

The crow then stepped out of the tiny pond making its way towards macaque. It then watched as macaque lent his hand out to it so it could sit. The crow went closer to macaque's hand before pecking it a bit harshly causing him to swiftly pull his hand away. "Why'd you do that?" Macaque asked harshly as he stared at the small bleeding peck mark. Instead of flying away, it backed up into the water again and drank a bit which confused macaque.

Chester went over with bandages to wrap up macaque's hand but got ignored. "Macaque are you seriously not going to let me put it on you?" Chester groaned at macaque once he shook his head. "It's just a tiny peck, seriously, you're overreacting," macaque responded. Chester just sighed and waited for macaque to focus on the crow again so he could put the bandaging on, but the crow already moved.

The crow now picked put the bandaging and placed it on macaque's hand, which Chester took as a sign the crow even wanted macaque to put bandages on his wounds. "See, even the crow thinks you should put this on!" Chester pointed out and proceeded to putting the bandage around macaque's hand.

Macaque watched the crow going back into the water but then noticed it go underwater and suddenly it turned into a fish. Macaque was stunned, "did you see that?" Macaque asked Chester still staring at the fish that now swam deeper into the pond. "Oh, the crow flew away, maybe you could see it some other time?" Chester suggested with a smile. Macaque just stood their and drifted into thought as Chester finished up.

Now wondering, how did it turn into a fish? There was something off about it for sure now.....Macaque the realized that wasn't a crow someone was watching them using some transformation. But, who could it have been was the real question. He doesn't know anyone besides wukong who could transform, but then he remembered someone.

"Macaque?" Chester called and macaque snapped out of his thoughts again. "What?" Chester got up and brushed off his pants "we should probably get out of here, I mean, we have been in this clearing for two weeks after all," Chester pointed out and macaque nodded. "Well, see you around," macaque smirked then disappeared within the blink of an eye. Chester sighed then walked back to the city since it wasn't like he could teleport.

"Aw, come here kitty!" A girl had called out to a cat in the alleyway. She watched as it went over a bit then began to back away. "Kitty?" She asked as it hissed at something, not at her, but at something else. "Hm?" She thought but then let out a blood curdling scream, watching the cat run away as everything went black.

The crow had been watching that event, flying away after hearing the screaming. It didn't really care nor did it find it satisfying, but it didn't want to see some little girl screaming. So it just continued flying till it got back to the clearing.

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